Day 3

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Craig was tired of the drama so he decided that he would actually go to school for once. As soon as he was in his first class he regretted it instantly. The teacher was droning on about something stupid and Craig barely even knew anyone in the class. This seemed to be the pattern for the day because this continued on until lunch.

Craig entered the cafeteria searching for who he wanted to sit with. He usually sat with Clyde and Token but they weren't there. Craig didn't think anything of it though, they wouldn't care if he was gone so why should he? As he scanned he noticed Tweek sitting by himself eating some sort of sandwich. Craig was hesitant and thought about sitting with Stan and his gang but he decided he would rather sit with Tweek then Kenny. Craig felt weird about this sudden revelation but he decided not to worry about it, who actually wants to talk to Kenny while sober? 

Craig sat down next to Tweek, making Tweek so scared that he fell off of his seat making the nearby tables turn there heads to see the commotion. It's not that Craig was embarrassed to be seen with Tweek because Craig is never embarrassed but he didn't want to try and explain to people the situation.

Craig watched with boredom as Tweek gathered his bearings and eventually got up and sat back down. Craig sighed, he wished he had something more entertaining to do then sit with Tweek. You were entertained last time you guys hung out, his brain so helpfully thought. Craig knew that there was some part of him that enjoyed hanging out with Tweek yesterday, and maybe he actually sat with Tweek to replicate that feeling again. Unfortunately by the way it was going so far, yesterday was nothing but a fluke. Something about that idea made Craig sad, it wasn't that he was close to Tweek by any means, but there was something nice about just playing video games with someone.

"If, y-you keep looking so s-sad, you're g-going to make m-me sad." Craig thought he was pretty good at hiding his emotions, so why was Tweek able to see through him so easily? Craig didn't even know what to say to that, he was embarrassed with his behavior. Thankfully the bell rang saving Craig from any more embarrassment.

The bell gave Tweek another panic attack allowing Craig to escape and head to his next class. Craig walked into class and instantly knew he couldn't do this. He didn't know why but he needed to not be here. The teacher was in the middle of talking and Craig just got up and left. He could hear the teacher yelling for him to come back so he just flipped him off and kept going.

What does he care about some dumb education that will get him no where in life anyways. Craig's thoughts were so all over the place to the point where he couldn't even keep track of the anymore. This continues until he finally made it home and into his bed. He didn't have to think if he was asleep, and with that in mind he fell asleep.

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