Day 5, Part 1

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Craig woke up in a bathroom, having no memory of how he got there. Last thing he remembered was talking about his bet with Kenny. He turned his head and saw his reflection in the mirror. He truly did look like a hot mess. He had circles under his eyes, his clothes and hair were disheveled, and he chunks of vomit in his hair.

He heard clanking sounds down stairs and panicked. Any other day he might have gone down stairs and see what was going on, but it wasn't. He looked disgusting and he would rather not have Stan or his parents see him like this.

He noticed there was a window and without thinking he opened it up and jumped out of it. In retrospect, jumping out of a random window probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. So he wasn't too surprised when he fell and heard some sort of crack.

He tried to get back up, but immediately collapsed back on the ground. He just woke up and his day was already awful. He reached for his phone to call someone to bring him to the hospital. His first thought was to call Token, but he got pretty drunk last night and he didn't want to worry him. So he figured he would call Clyde.

However, when he opened up his phone he saw several missed calls from Tweek. Craig wasn't heartless so he figured he would call him back before calling Clyde.


"Hey, sorry, I didn't notice you called."

"O-Oh, it's f-fine, I was j-just worried about you w-when Clyde texted me a-asking where y-you were."

"Yeah, sorry, I was at Stan's party last night."

"O-Oh, okay."

"I would ask if you wanted to hang out, but I'm kind of stuck."

"Wait, why!?" Craig almost giggled because he could hear the panic in Tweek's voice.

"I think I broke my leg, I was about to call Clyde to see if he would drive me to the hospital."

"C-Clyde's busy, I-I can d-drive you."

Craig was amazed that with Tweek's anxiety he was still able to drive a car, but he wasn't about to question it. "Sounds good, I'm at Stan's house around back."

"O-Okay, I'm on my way"

Craig knew he had to wait a couple of minutes before Tweek got there so he decided to text his parents about his whereabouts

Broke my leg, don't worry Tweek's driving me to the hospital, so don't be surprised when you get a hospital bill.

Shortly after Tweek arrived, and somehow helped carry Craig into the car. "Thanks for doing this again."

Tweek blushed but didn't say anything. The drive to the hospital was slightly awkward and filled with uncomfortable silence. Usually silence doesn't bother Craig but after being able to have real conversations with Tweek, Craig didn't know if he could go back to not knowing him. Even though he needs Tweek to fall in love with him, there is a part of Craig that enjoys spending time with Tweek as friends, when Tweek wasn't being all stutter and weird of course.

Craig was trying to think of something to get rid of the silence but Tweek beat him to it. "S-So, how d-did you b-break you l-leg."

Craig wasn't quite sure he wanted to explain to Tweek how stupid he was but he figured he was driving him, so he had the right to know. "I accidently passed out last night at Stan's and I didn't want to face him or his family so I decided to jump out the window."

"YOU JUMPED OUT A WINDOW?" Craig jumped in surprise, is he ever going to get used to Tweek's random out bursts?


"HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD?" Craig was debating how to explain to Tweek that you can make bad decisions and not die, and that the window was only a couple of feet from the ground but they finally arrived at the hospital.

"Alright, once you help me inside you can leave, I'm sure you have things to do."

Tweek fiddled with his fingers and started to blush again, "c-can I c-come with you, j-just to m-make sure y-you're o-okay."

Craig stared at him, tying to figure him out. Tweek was one of the few people in Craig's life that he can't automatically read. "Yeah, sure."

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