Day 23, Part 1

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A/N: I was wondering if any of you would be interested in me doing a Q&A

Craig had a bad feeling since the beginning of the day. Everything started as a normal day, other than Butters was asleep in the room next to him that is. He went about his normal routine until he got a call from the hospital. He didn't want to deal with talking to them so he just let it go to voicemail.

Several minutes when he noticed that the hospital finished he picked it up to listen. He couldn't help the state of worry as he picked it up, "Laura Tucker has been released from the hospital. She said she didn't want to wait for anybody and since she's an adult we couldn't argue with her about it."

Craig was thankful but now he was anxious. He was worried about what could have happened to his mom and when she would come home. There was nothing he could do about it now though. So he set his phone down and walked away from it. It wasn't healthy to be so obsessed with it anyway.

It was at this time that Craig heard someone coming down the stairs. His first instinct was attacked but then he remembered it was probably Butters and he was overreacting.

Butters entered the kitchen and started looking around for things, "I wanted to say thank you for standing up for me last night. You're really not such a bad guy."

Craig hated how soft he was now. He would blame it on Tweek even though Craig was probably always secretly that way. Instead of voicing this though he just said, "no problem."

Butters was still messing around in the kitchen and Craig was starting to get curious about it. "So what are you doing?"

Butters jumped in surprise, "since I can't go to school I figured I would take the time to make you breakfast as thank you for letting me stay here."

Craig nodded in approval. He definitely wasn't going to say no to a nice home cooked meal. "By the way, my mom is coming back home today and she doesn't know that your staying. It shouldn't be a problem but don't freak out when she's confused."

Butters vigorously nodded his head before getting back to work.

It was a good thirty minutes before Butters was done with breakfast. The entire time Craig was constantly looking out the window hoping that his mom would come home. It didn't end up happening though.

They ended up sitting at the table awkwardly. The two of them weren't particularly close and they had nothing in common. Craig decided to attempt to make conversation by saying, "I can tell you don't cook very often."

Judging by the expression on his face though, he didn't appreciate it.

This continued for the rest of the morning. Both of them not really knowing what to say but trying to start conversations anyway. Most of, if not all ending in more awkward silence.

Then the door opened and both his and Butters breathing stopped in anticipation.

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