Day 25, Part 1

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Craig knew what he had to do. So, he forced himself out of bed and prepared to actually face the world and what he's done.

As Craig went about his daily routine, he thought about everything he's gone through. It's crazy that not even a month ago his life was so average and then all of it changed so suddenly it seemed. Craig thought about whether or not he would change it. He knew that the past couple of days definitely but he didn't know if he could ever regret meeting Tweek.

After Craig was finished getting ready he started to feel hesitant about the whole thing. There was a million ways this could go wrong and really only one way it could go right. He reminded himself thought that if he didn't try to make amends, then there was no chance of anything working out. He quickly said goodbye to his mom, kissing her on the cheek before leaving. At the door, he stopped and turned around and headed towards Butters' make-shift room. He wanted to check on him and say goodbye to him as well because while he wasn't Craig's favorite person, he has definitely grown on him.

When he opened the door though, no one was inside. In fact, it seemed as if Butters hadn't been in there all night. Although, what did Craig expect honestly? He still didn't feel like Kenny deserved so much of Butters time, but he was probably a worse person at this point.

So with a new feeling of disappointment, Craig headed to Kenny's house. He knew that he also needed to talk to talk to Tweek and make amends, and even though he liked Tweek way more, he figured this took priority. To distract himself from the conversation that he was going to have in less than an hour he put on the Book of Mormon soundtrack. It wasn't something he listened to often, and he's only heard to it because Token loved listening to musicals, but it suited his mood.

He wasn't even done with the first act when he was on Kenny's front doorsteps. Flashbacks instantly hit him of the last time he was here, and he had to choke down the fresh waved of guilt. He knocked on the door gently, and not even a second later Kenny's mom opened the door. "Oh, hello Craig."

Craig could tell by the way she acted that she had no idea that he did anything, "may I see Kenny."

She looked hesitant at first, but then she ended up just saying, "yeah, of course, he's with Karen right now with one of his other friends."

He gave her a grateful smile and then headed up to Karen's room. He's never actually been inside it, but from years of going in and out of this house for parties and hookups, he knows precisely where it is.

Without knocking he slowly opened the door and peeked inside. It was exactly what he expected, Karen was in bed, lying down and talking to Kenny and Butters who were leaning on each other and listening intently. With closer inspection, he was able to see that Karen was smiling and if it weren't for the bruising though her body Craig wouldn't have been able to tell anything happened.

As he stepped further into the room and gained confidence, Butters noticed him and his eyes grew comically wide. Neither of the McCormick saw him, however, even as Craig got closer to them. Butters glanced at Kenny with fear and then back at Craig in panic.

It wasn't until he was right behind Kenny that Karen noticed him. Her breath hitched, but it seemed like she didn't know if she should say anything, so Karen just continued on with whatever story she was talking about, albeit more hesitantly. Then Craig placed his hand on Kenny's shoulder. Kenny tensed and then looked up at him and the entire room stilled.

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