Day 22, Part 2

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A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I don't even have an excuse other than writer's block has hit me hard. I hope you enjoy it non the less!

Craig decided to stay home. He didn't want to risk his dad going to his school. Craig figured the asshole would get caught eventually, and he didn't want to expose more people to that then need be. Craig didn't care too much about other people, but he wasn't evil.

With his free time, he decided to call the hospital and see how his mom was doing. He grabbed his phone and quickly dialed the number he's memorized from the unfortunate amount of times he's had to call it over the years. It only took a fraction of a second before the desk later picked up, "hello?"

"Hello, I was wondering how Laura Tucker is doing?

"Hold on a minute," and then there was a lot of silence before it suddenly stopped and she began talking again, "Mrs. Tucker is healing well and if all goes to plan will be released tomorrow."

Craig couldn't force the smile off his face as he said, "okay, thank you, goodbye." Without waiting for a response, he hung up and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

With that out of the way, Craig didn't know what else to do. He ended up lounging on his couch and not realizing he was falling asleep until he was awakened by a knock on the door. It was quiet, and it probably wouldn't have woken an average person up, but Craig had gotten used to sleeping light enough to detect any noise for protection.

Grumbling the entire way, he quickly opened the door. In retrospect, it could have easily been his dad, but thankfully it wasn't. Instead, it was someone he would never have suspected, Butters. Craig really didn't want to deal with his problems, but he still opened the door and let him in. "I didn't know you even knew where I lived."

Butters walked inside, "almost everyone knows where everyone lives."

Craig watched Butters sit down on the couch as he said, "so why are you here?"

He refused to look up as he said, "I'm running away."

Craig didn't know Butters that well, and honestly, he didn't really want to either. But he knew that he should at least attempt to humor him. "Why are you running away?"

"I feel like everyone would be better off if I didn't exist. My own parents don't even want me."

"I'm sure someone cares about you."

Craig could see the hurt look in his eyes as he said, "no, nobody does."

Craig was starting to feel uncomfortable as he said, "I'm sorry if you want you could stay here for a couple of days before you find somewhere else to go." Craig instantly regretted saying it after the words came out of his mouth. He could barely tolerate the guy, and now he's living with him? It was too late though based on the smile that covered Butters' face.

"Thank you, I'll be back I just have to go back home and pack, and then I'll be back." Then Butters left and ran to his house. Craig ran his hand through his hair. How the hell was he supposed to get out of this one?

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