Day 16, Part 3

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A/N: I'm so sorry, I was so busy with finals that I haven't been able to write anything. I feel so guilty about it, I hope you guys understand.

Tweek and Craig ran to Craig's house to get the beer that his dad his in the kitchen. They were giggling the entire time as if they were in on a joke that no one else knew. Eventually, the ended up at Craig's house and stopped outside of the door. Craig looked inside to see which if any of his parents were home and was glad to see nobody inside.

He opened the door and quickly scanned just to be sure before motioning Tweek to follow him. They both entered the house before going immediately to the kitchen. They glanced around to try to find here it was because his dad changes the hiding spot every time Craig steals it, but he wasn't brilliant, so he always kept it somewhere in the kitchen.

It only took a couple of minutes before Craig was able to find it stashed in the back of the fridge behind the salsa. He took the six pack and showed Tweek who grinned, "let's go." They both started heading out fueled by the adrenaline of not getting caught.

It all immediately stopped when they ran straight into Craig's ad on their way out. Craig dropped the beer, and it all broke when it hit the ground. So now not only had him and Tweek been caught by his dad but there was also beer pooling at their feet. "How did you even get in, I thought Mom told you not to come back here."

His dad just walked to him, so close that Craig could smell the cigarette smoke and shame. Craig felt scared, but he wasn't about to let his dad know that so he puffed out his chest and waited for his dad's next move. His dad grimaced and then punched Craig in the face. Craig dropped to the floor in pain, he's been in fights before, but never like that. He looked to towards Tweek who stood trembling by the door.

"P-Please don't h-hurt me," Tweek said while covering his face. Craig's dad stared at Tweek long and hard then looked back at Craig.

"I won't hurt you," he said smirking, "as long as both of you promise to get out of here and never return."

Tweek looked shocked and tried looking at Craig for guidance, but he was unconscious which made Tweek panic even more. "B-But isn't Craig your s-son."

 Craig's dad merely laughed, "he's no son of mine, and he hasn't been for a long time." Tweek didn't understand that, to be honest, but he wasn't going to test how long he can go without making him angry. So instead Tweek just nodded and said, "yeah, umm, o-okay."

Tweek glanced towards Craig who was finally waking up. "What's going on?"

Tweek grabbed Craig by the arm, "no time to explain, we got to go."

They ran what Tweek felt like was a safe distance from Craig's house before letting go of Craig's hand. "Are we seriously going to just let that asshole stay in the house while we just sit here?"

Tweek bit his lip, "I told him we would never go back there."

Craig was now angry, who was Tweek to decide a decision like that. "Why the hell would you say something like that?"

Craig could tell Tweek was starting to panic, "I-I don't know, you were unconscious, and I-I was s-scared."

"Well I don't need your help, can you just back off, now my mom is going to be trapped in that house with that monster all alone."

"I-I'm sorry, C-Craig."

Craig just really didn't want to see Tweek right now, "well, I'm going to Clyde's house, I'll call you when I want to see you again." Craig pretended not to hear to sniffling as he walked away.

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