Day 17, Part 1

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I promise there will be more regular updated from now on.

Craig woke up in Clyde's room. He wondered where Tweek was for a split second before remembering what happened, which considerably darkened his mood. He didn't have any time to dwell on it though before Clyde burst through the door, "school, now." Then they were both off, rushing to school on time.

Craig slid into his first-period seat with only a second to spare. However, in the midst of his internal victory, he ended up not even noticing that Tweek wasn't there.

It wasn't until the teacher stopped droning about whatever the hell was supposed to be taught in this class that he realized his favorite spastic blonde wasn't next to him. Initially, Craig tried to pretend like it didn't bother him because he was still angry at him.

Except, the longer the class slowly went by the harder it was to pretend like it didn't affect him. Craig figured it was easy to forget what you have until it was gone.

When class ended, Craig had a choice ditch now or try to force himself to go to all of his classes. He decided that he would try to suffer through it, mostly as a test for himself, he survived school without Tweek before. He can do it again.

The rest of the day went by more slowly than Craig had anticipated. By the time the day was over, he was exhausted, and he didn't even do anything!

Craig decided the best course of action was to go to Tweek's and see what's up. He texted Clyde telling him where he was going and then headed off.

The walk to Tweek's house was short, but with every step, Craig felt like it couldn't go any slower. It was stupid really. There was no real reason for Craig's worrying. That didn't stop the sinking feeling in his stomach before.

Then Craig was there, he hesitated but quickly knocked at the door. As soon as he knocked the door swung open almost hitting Craig in the process.

Craig didn't know what he was expecting, but it definitely wasn't Tweek's mom to answer. There were several seconds of awkward eye contact before Craig spoke, "is Tweek here?"

Tweek's mom went from a look of indifference to a look of fondness, "he's upstairs, poor boy, he's running a fever."

Craig nodded in acknowledgment even though he was only half paying attention. Tweek's mom opened the door wider allowing Craig to step into the house.

Without saying anything he quickly went up to Tweek's room. Before he could even step into the room Tweek was already talking, "you don't have your crutch."

Craig looked down. He didn't even realize he didn't bring it with him today. Craig hoped that meant he was healed, "yeah, I guess I'm not."

"Your mom told me you were sick."

Tweek blushed looking down, "that's just what I told her so she wouldn't make me go to school today."

Craig shook his head, "Tweek, your such a bad boy," he said teasingly.

Tweek made a small attempt at smiling, "I'm really sorry about yesterday, by the way, I-I panicked, and I didn't know what to do."

Craig breathed in and out trying to prepare them for the conversation they were about to have. "To be honest, I'm not ready to forgive you, but I understand why you did what you did." Craig was relieved that Tweek was genuinely smiling now, "I mean if you were unconscious on the floor I know it would really freak me out."

There was a moment of pause where Craig noticed how close they were. If he moved forward just the barest amount, their lips would be touching. So that's exactly what he did.

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