Day 4, Part 3

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Craig made it to the party and smirked. This was what he knew, this is what he was used to. Craig didn't have to worry so much when he's domain like this. He grabbed a red solo cup and immediately started drinking. The faster he was drunk, the faster he could start having fun.

While he was in the process of trying to be the opposite of sober Bebe walked up to him. "Hey, I haven't seen you at a party in a while."

Craig rolled his eyes, "it hasn't even been a week."

"I know, but that's still unusual for you, I've missed you," she said while twirling her hair. Every other day Craig probably would have been into it, or at least he would have pretended to have been to get into her pants. But for some reason, he wasn't feeling it today and so he just brushed her off and walked away.

He didn't know who he was looking for, but he just wanted to talk to someone. He walked around the house, he's only been in Stan's home a hand full of times, so Craig wasn't overly familiar with his surroundings so he was having a hard time navigating.

He saw Stan and Wendy making out againts a wall, of course they got back together. He doesn't know how they can stand having that mess of a relationship. Honestly, they both deserved someone better. He kept walking and eventually stumbled upon Kenny, Kyle, Butters, and Token sitting in a circle hanging out.

Craig was about to leave when Kenny called out to him, "Take a seat, join us, I feel like I'm the only one keeping this party alive." To be honest, Craig didn't really want to see Kenny, but he had nothing better to do so he sat down.

Butters was leaning against Kenny, smiling sweetly while both Kyle and Token looked like they didn't want to be there. "So, what are you guys doing anything."

Kenny smirked, running his fingers through Butters' hair, "Oh nothing, just chatting."

"Sounds fun," Craig said sarcastically.

"So how's Tweek doing?" Kenny said in the most innocent voice he could.

Token spoke up, "Tweek?"

"Yeah, we made a bet, and now he has to get Tweek to fall in love with him."

"How come I'm just hearing about this, we're best friends."

"It just started recently okay? And for your information it's going great, I basically have him eating out of my hand already, someone give me a shot" If he was going to continue this conversation, he's going to need to be way more drunk for this discussion.

Eventually, he had too many shots to count, and he was getting hazy. He started slurring random garble into Token's ear, and he would giggle in response. Kyle left earlier to go looking for Stan, and Kenny ever the gentlemen had gone home early to walk Butter's house before the party got too crazy.

Craig looked at his phone and noticed it was already one in the morning. He also saw he had several missed calls from Tweek, but Craig was having a good time, and he didn't want Tweek to bum him out.

Eventually he decided he needed to go home and started trying to stumble home. But he eventually gave up and ended up collapsing in Stan's bathroom. He vomited into what he hoped was the toilet several times.

The toilet felt very comfy at that moment so he decided he would just close his eyes for a moment. Craig knew he was going to regret this in the morning, but that was for sober him to deal with. And with that, he fell asleep.

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