Day 21, Part 1

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A/N: After the angst of the last couple chapters I figured you guys deserve some fluff. But don't get too excited, I love putting characters through heart break.

Craig woke up to someone shaking him. His first instinct was to attack thinking that it was his dad but he instantly deflated when he saw that it was Tweek.

Craig looked him up and down. He was a mess, more so than usual. He looked like he hadn't slept in days and his hair was somehow even more messy than usual.

Craig just simply raised his eyebrow. Tweek started messing with his hair, "I know this is a bad time but I can't wait any longer."

Craig thought he knew where this conversation was going but he needed to know for sure before he got his hopes up. "Go on?"

Tweek went from running his fingers through his hair to pulling it. In response, Craig gently grabbed his hands and placed them on his side. Tweek breathed in,"I've never stopped liking you." Then he breathed out.

Craig froze, he hoped Tweek would say that. He didn't expect him to be so upfront about it. He knew he should say something soon and his hunch was confirmed when he saw that Tweek was biting his lip so hard he drew blood.

"I like you too." Craig couldn't believe how natural and easy it was to actually say. Then he saw Tweek grin and everything felt wrong. How dare Craig feel happy when his mom was still in the hospital possibly dying.

Even as he thought it though, he knew deep down that his mom would want him to be happy. So Craig let himself enjoy it.

Craig stood up so he was right next to Tweek. He smirked as Tweek looked at his lips, but there was one thing he needed to know. "Why did you push me away?"

Tweek blushed, "I didn't just want to be another one of your one night stands."

Craig gently held Tweek's face, "I would choose to kiss you over having a one night stand with the hottest person in the world. Then he leaned in and their lips met.

This time Craig was able to properly enjoy it. Tweek tasted like coffee, and even though he usually hated the liquid it wasn't so bad this time around.

Then the kiss ended.  Craig was worried that everything would somehow go to ruin. That one of them would run away or this was just a figment of his imagination. But it wasn't.

Craig glanced at the clock and grinned because he had the whole day to do whatever the hell he wanted to do with Tweek. Obviously, the thought of sex crossed his mind, but he wanted to prove to Tweek that he didn't need it to be happy with him.

Tweek looked scared at the devilish smile that was on Craig's face. But they both knew that Tweek trusted him. Craig just said, "where do you wanna go?"

Tweek looked up at him with his eyes that just screamed innocent and said, "I'll go anywhere you're willing to take me."

Craig's smile turned more gentle as he said, "I'll surprise you then."

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