Day 14, Part 2

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A/N: I would really appreciate it, if someone would create artwork for the cover of this story if someone would be up to it.

The coffee shop was slow, Craig figured it was because no one really wanted coffee at oneish on a Saturday. Unfortunately, whatever mood Tweek was in was not disappearing, and Craig was about to snap.

"Is there anything on your mind?"

Tweek bit his bottom lip, "a-actually there is." Tweek looked down before continuing, "do you remember fourth grade?"

"You didn't move to South Park until freshman year."

Tweek looked like a volcano, an annoyance building inside of him. Then any energy in him deflated, "just forget I said anything."

Craig didn't understand what Tweek was trying to tell him, but he knew it wasn't just nothing. "Are you sure?"

Tweek nodded his head slowly, "yeah, I'm sure."

Craig wanted to say more but it was at that moment that a customer finally entered, it was Kenny. He looked like a mess, even more so than usual.

Without glancing at Craig at all he walked up to the counter,"hey Tweek, can I have the usual?"

Craig decides to ignore the pang of jealousy that came with Tweek immediately lighting up, since when were they close?"

"Y-Yeah, of course." Tweek immediately got to work with whatever the order was.

Kenny turned to him grinning and quietly said, "so how close are you to getting Tweek to fall for you?"

Craig almost let his feelings out to him. How he honestly doesn't care about some stupid bet anymore. That everyone is keeping some sort of stupid secret from him. That he definitely has some kind of romantic feelings towards Tweek. But he didn't.

Craig simply swallowed his words, "it's going fine."

Kenny raised an eyebrow, "really? It doesn't seem like it."

"What do you mean?"

"I heard that Tweek has a crush, and by the way, he's looking at you right now, I doubt it's you."

Craig rolled his eyes, "rumors don't mean anything."

Kenny shrugged, "guess we'll have to find out."

As Kenny finished talking Tweek walked back towards them. "Hey Tweek, do you have a crush on Craig?" His entire face turned bright red, and he dropped the coffee in his hands onto the floor.

He started scrambling around trying to clean it up all the while trying to talk, "n-no, of course n-not he's m-my friend. We b-barely know each other, that w-would be weird."

Craig knew that Tweek doesn't like him, but hearing him actually say it out loud did hurt, and to add insult to injury Kenny was looking at him smugly.

After Tweek finally cleaned up the mess and remade the drink, Kenny paid and left the coffee shop. Which left Craig alone with Tweek again and Craig wasn't sure if he preferred Kenny to be there or not.

Eventually, Craig decided to at least try to talk to Tweek, "so who do you have a crush on?"

Tweek blushed, "nobody."

"With an answer like that it's undeniable," Craig said trying to keep the mood light.

"Well, I guess I do, but it's complicated."

Craig didn't know why he was doing this to himself, maybe he just liked the pain. "Well, what do you like about him."

Tweek turned around and started cleaning the counter behind them. "I guess, I like how he's good at calming me down, he's always making sure I'm okay, and I like how he just gives off this attitude of not giving a fuck, and he pretends like he doesn't care, but he's actually super sweet."

Craig nodded, even though he had no idea who this person was he already hated him. Tweek finally turned to look at him, "who do you like?"

Craig thought about lying, but then he remembered how Tweek was always good at telling if he's lying so he figured he might as well. "I feel like it's not really your business to know, but he's adorably innocent, he's super shy on the outside, but once you get to know him he can be super passionate and just generally a huge dork." Craig's entire face was flushed red by the time he was done, he felt embarrassed for saying all that stupid crap. "Sorry, I don't know where that came from."

Tweek turned away from him again, trying to find something to clean. "You must really like them."

Craig looked at Tweek fondly, "yeah, I guess I do."

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