Day 25, Part 3

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"I guess I'm gonna go now."

Kenny glanced in his direction before nodding, "yeah, okay, see you at school."

Butters enthusiastically waved as Craig left the room. Craig didn't want to talk to Kenny's parents so he quickly snuck out and sighed with relief when he wasn't caught. While the entire situation was still pretty shitty, progress had been made.

Craig knew that he still didn't consider any of them close friends and he doubted they felt any different, but it felt nice knowing he could talk to them. After all, Craig had his friends and Kenny had his but they had common ground that they couldn't talk to other people about.

After a while of walking, Craig stopped and realized he had to decide what to do next. He could go and talk to Tweek or go home and rest. Craig stood there for a decent amount of time contemplating his options but luckily someone else made the decision.

His phone rang and without checking to see who it was he quickly answered. "Hello?"

"Is this Craig Tucker?"

Craig breathed in, looks like this was going to be a serious conversation. "Yeah, it is."

"This is the South Park Police and we have your dad in custody. It seems that your mother does not have a phone so we were forced to notify you instead."

"What do you want me to do with this information?" Craig hoped he did a good job at hiding the distress in his voice.

"Right now, nothing. Just go home and tell your mom." Craig could hear the sympathy in his voice and it bugged him.

"Yeah, sure," then without further notice Craig hung up on him. He needed to be able to take everything in without the patronizing tone of the police officer.

Craig started walking home. He knew that he still had to talk to Tweek, but that was a lot less urgent than this. About halfway there, Craig got anxious so he ended up running the rest of the way home.

He ended up slamming the door open and went around to search for his mom. Who he didn't expect to find though was Tricia. She was sitting at the dining room table with their mom.

Craig had very mixed feelings about it l. On one hand, he got to see his wonderful sister that he missed so much. On the other, she shouldn't just be able to walk into their life whenever she felt like it. It just wasn't fair, especially to their mom who got her hopes up whenever she visited.

Apparently, he stood there staring for a long period of time because suddenly Tricia was waving her hand in front of his face trying to snap him out of it.Craig just shook his head and he was back to reality.

Tricia smiled and opened up her arms for a hug. Craig glanced down at her and frowned before practically throwing himself at her.

A mere second later and he shoved her away before awkwardly coughing. "They found Dad, he's in jail right now."

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