Day 26, Part 3

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Craig tried to keep up the conversation in the car ride but Token was only half-heartedly responding. Craig didn't know why he thought it was a good idea but to get a response he casually mentioned, "so do you still have a crush on Clyde?"

Craig could see Token grab the steering wheel extra hard. "No."

Craig was surprised, he was so sure that his friend still had a crush on the other. Craig continued prodding, "you sure."

Token sighed, "no."

Craig was getting frustrated with all the one worded responses, "why won't you talk to me?"

Token didn't respond, but he did turn onto some dirt road that neither of them had ever been before. Then Token parked the car and looked at Craig, "I don't know how to feel."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I care about you, but I also care about them. I want to forgive you but it's hard to pretend like nothing happened." Token didn't raise his voice but Craig could tell he was angry.

Craig bowed his head, "honestly, I feel the same way. I don't want to pretend like everything is okay. I just don't know what else to do." Craig wasn't lying. As much as he hated to admit it, he had no idea what do with himself anymore. Who were his friends or who was he supposed to be?

This entire month had his world flipped over and over again. Then Craig did something he hadn't done in such a long time. He bawled. All he's ever allowed himself before was maybe a tear, but this time he couldn't hold it back.

He felt hot and angry tears stream down his face. While Craig stood there trying to will the tears away Token reached out and hesitantly hugged him.

Craig automatically flinched but eventually hugged Token back and finally allowed himself to cry. Craig didn't know how long Token rocked him but after a while Token spoke, "I'm sorry."

Craig shook his head, "you have nothing to apologize for."

Token just gripped tighter. After a while, Craig's sobs became whimpers, which eventually died out and it was silent.

Then Token let go. "Let's get you home."

Craig hesitated, "can I stay at your house?" Craig didn't want to go back to his house after being so vulnerable.

Almost immediately Token responded, "of course."

The rest of the car ride was silent but it was finally comfortable. Craig allowed himself the luxury of falling asleep. It was the most relaxing nap he'd ever had because then suddenly Token was waking him up.

Without saying anything Token dragged Craig upstairs and allowed him to lay on his bed. Before Craig was able to say thank you Token went downstairs. Craig assumed to go tell his parents that Craig was staying over.

Craig tried to fight sleep enough to thank Token but he was so exhausted from his breakdown and his general sleep deprivation that he couldn't. The last thing he saw before going to sleep was Token walking into the room. Then he was out.

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