Day 14, Part 1

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Craig woke up and realized he didn't know how the hell he ended up in Tweek's room. The last thing he remembered was drinking with Kenny... and then nothing. Craig hated blacking out, which is why he tended to avoid getting that drunk.

Craig was so annoyed with himself for getting that wastes that he didn't even notice Tweek come in until he was already beside him, "I made you breakfast."

Craig turned to look at Tweek in surprise since when could Tweek cook? Craig relaxed when he noticed it was just two pieces of slightly burnt toast and a banana. Craig also spotted coffee to which he raises an eyebrow at.

"Oh," Tweek said understanding what Craig was saying, "that's for me."

Craig silently grabbed a piece of toast, the burntness not really bothering him. "So, how long have you been up?"

Tweek blushed, "well, it took me a couple of hours to make this so probably about eight?"

Craig spat out the toast that was in his mouth, not because of how long it took Tweek to cook, but because that means it's already almost noon. However, that didn't stop Tweek's eyes to widen in fear and cause him to panic.

Tweek started patting Craig's cheat as if he was choking, but because he was freaked out his pats were more like forceful hits causing Craig to actually choke.

After a messy endeavor that Craig didn't even want to think about, Craig was able to breathe again. Now that Craig wasn't distracted by potentially dying by toast he realized he was still confused as to how he ended up in Tweek's bedroom.

"You were super drunk last night, and both Token and Clyde had things to do, and we didn't want to just send you home, so I offered to take care of you. It's only fair since you took care of me.

"How do you seem to always read my mind?"

"I can just tell," Tweek said nonchalantly. Then suddenly he started to frown, "Craig, about last night..."

Craig was relieved, "I hope I didn't do anything too embarrassing, I hate blacking out."

There was a moment of silence that was just long enough not to be normal before Tweek grinned, "don't worry, I stopped you from making any decisions you would regret."

"Well that's a relief," Craig said trying to keep the mood light even though he could tell something was wrong.

Tweek started to become more fidgety, Craig told himself it was just the coffee. "So what do you want to do?"

Tweek looked confused for a moment, "oh, um, what do you want to do?"

Suddenly an idea popped into Craig's head, "let's go see the guys."

Tweek panicked, "n-no!"

"Oh, okay," Craig said confused but trying to pretend like he wasn't. "Let's go downstairs instead then."

Tweek took a deep breath before nodding, "okay."

They headed downstairs and were met with Tweek's angry parents, or at least as angry as Tweek's parents could be. "Where have you guys been? We told you, you have to work at the coffee shop during the weekends, it's already noon!"

Tweek blushed while rubbing his arm while Craig said nothing. Tweek's dad continued to talk, "well? Do you have an excuse for your behavior?"

"n-no dad, I'm sorry." Craig felt like Tweek didn't need to apologize, but it wasn't his business. Besides, Tweek's parents were okay.

Without saying anything else, Tweek started heading to what Craig assumed was his family's coffee store, so Craig began to follow him. The air was eerily quiet the entire way there. Craig usually wasn't bothered by silence, in fact, he often preferred it. Except for this time, it almost disturbed him. There was something distinctly wrong, but Craig hated getting into other people's lived. Craig liked to live by the motto that if someone wants to tell you something, they will, and if they don't tell you, it's not of your damn business. Craig just let the silence continue.

Eventually, they ended up at Tweak Bros. Coffee. Craig hoped that once they started working Tweek will snap out of it and start acting like his usual jittery self. With that thought in mind, Craig stepped inside.

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