Day 28, Part 3

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Craig froze, "yeah, I guess your right."

Kenny frowned, "I am sorry and not just about telling Tweek, about daring you in the first place."

Craig shrugged, "thanks, but I'm kind of done with all this apologizing." Then he took a swig of the mystery alcohol. He grimaced as it burned his throat but then it was down and Craig was over it.

Of course, this is when Tweek walked towards them. He seemed a little unsure but overall happy. "W-What are you guys t-talking about."

Ignoring the question Craig asked his own, "why aren't you drinking any alcohol." He glanced down at the cup of water in his hand.

Tweek blushed, "I-I just didn't want a r-repeat of last time."

Both Craig and Kenny shrugged, not really understanding but they were not questioning it anymore.

Without asking Craig for permission he decided to answer Tweek's question, "we were talking about that stupid bet we made."

Tweek's mood immediately went sour, "oh." Then he wiped any traces of it off his face, "I guess you technically won."

Craig frowned, "not really. You don't like me anymore."

While Tweek didn't correct him, his blush said it all. Craig didn't realize how long he was staring at Tweek because then Kenny suddenly cleared his throat.

Both Craig and Tweek were startled from whatever trance they were in and looked at Kenny expectantly. "I'm gonna go find Butters. Have fun." Then he left.

Craig looked back at Tweek and noticed that his blush spread from his cheeks to his entire face. Craig didn't know what he was going to say so he was glad that Tweek spoke first. "I still like you."

Craig had no idea what the appropriate response was. He chugged some of his drink, "I still like you too."

Tweek frowned, "so you actually liked me?"

Craig was shocked, "of course, how could I not. I like your insistence that coffee is delicious. I find your stutter cute and I like it even more when you feel relaxed enough not to stutter. I like how you get along with my mom. It drives me crazy how you always know what I'm thinking but then it makes my heart flutter. I like the way your lips feel against mine." Craig took a deep breath, "I just like you."

Then without a second thought, Tweek hugged him. They stood there in Kenny's house just hugging each other tightly. The other guests must have thought he was crazy but he didn't care. He didn't know if or when he'd ever get to hug him again.

After a while, Tweek pulled away. "I want to give us a try again." Craig was ecstatic but then Tweek kept talking, "I don't immediately want to rush into something again because I want to build trust again. But, I don't want to give up on us yet."

Craig nodded his head and could barely contain his joy.

Tweek smiled, "it's so weird having what you feel written so easily on your face.

Craig just laughed. The rest of the night was spent laughing, dancing, and drinking. Craig gave Tweek one last hug before going home.

The walk back to his house was pretty uneventful. His head was still swirling from the idea of being with Tweek again. Craig opened the door and smiled at his mom who sat at the table.

She smiled, "I was wondering when you would be getting home."

"Sorry Mom, I didn't notice the time."

She rolled her eyes, "just march up to bed right now." Craig wasn't one to argue with his mom so he did exactly that. He didn't even notice how exhausted he was until his head hit the pillow. He went to bed instantly.

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