Day 25, Part 2

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Kenny's stare hardened, "what are you doing here."

Craig could tell Kenny was trying his hardest to be civil and he had to respect that. Craig figured he had to attempt to be polite too. He knelt down in front of Karen's bed and said, "I'm so sorry, that was such a horrible thing for me to do."

Craig could tell Karen forgave him, somehow this had the opposite effect though and instead of making him feel better he just felt worse. Craig laid his head on the bed and sat in awkward silence. Craig didn't know if he was off the hook or not, but it didn't really seem to matter to him.

Then Kenny grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him backward. Craig looked up at him in worry, wondering what was going on inside his head. Eventually, Kenny looked down, "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have told Tweek."

Craig shrugged, "your right, but that doesn't excuse what I've done."

Kenny frowned, "no, it doesn't." He hesitated before continuing, "I've honestly never hated someone more than I hate you."

Craig couldn't agree with anything Kenny has ever said more. He couldn't trust himself to speak though, so he nodded grimly before standing up.

Then Butters spoke up, "well, I don't, I think good people can do horrible things sometimes."

"Thanks, Butters," but even as he said thank you, the other boy's words did nothing to cheer him up. You would have to commit mass genocide for him to think negatively of you.

Craig wasn't sure what to do with himself at this point. He didn't think it was right to just leave, but he had said what he wanted to say. He attempted to slip out quickly and quietly, but that didn't go to plan because the moment he reached for the doorknob, Karen was alarmed. "You're leaving?"

Then all three of them were looking at Craig, and he knew that he couldn't just say yes. So instead he puffed out his chest and said, "no, of course not," and walked back towards the group. The entire experience was weird because none of them were people that Craig considered his friends, or liked for that matter until recently. Yet, it didn't bother him as much as it used to.

Craig almost thought it was funny that for such an extended period of his life he refused to make friends because he had two, three he corrects, amazing best friends that Craig would do anything for and he didn't need anyone else. He still doesn't need anyone else he reminds himself, but Craig knows now that he can let other people in and that's okay.

He ended up sitting on Karen's bed by her feet, facing both Butters and Kenny. Their PDA had gotten intense in the hour that they chatted. Butters was practically sitting on Kenny's lap, and Kenny was running his hands through his hair. He reminded himself that he would have to talk to Butters later about this and make sure that their relationship was good and not unhealthy the way that it used to be. Craig didn't want to ruin anything good that might happen for either of them, so he decided to keep his mouth shut. That didn't stop Karen from making her distaste for it known.

Craig felt a single tear fall. It was odd, Craig couldn't remember the last time he actually cried and what was weirder was that he wasn't even sad. He ended up brushing it off, it was probably just something in his eyes.

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