Day 13, Part 3

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Shortly after Craig's friends hung up on him Token's car drove up to the driveway. Without even thinking Craig walked out of the house towards his friends while completely ignoring Kenny.

Towards the end of the journey, Craig stumbled and almost collapsed, thankfully Tweek caught up. "Did I ever tell you how pretty you are?"

Tweek's face immediately became bright red, and out of shock, he let go of Craig. Since Craig was so drunk though, he didn't even acknowledge the pain. "Sorry," Tweek yelled obnoxiously loud.

Before Craig could even realize what was going on, his friends were putting him in the back seat and buckling him up. Craig looked around and noticed that his friends were all whispering to each other before Token started driving off. Craig had no idea where they were going, but he wasn't too concerned about it.

Besides, Craig enjoyed trying to snuggle up to Tweek more. The only problem was Tweek kept pushing him off. "Craig, you're drunk, you need to stop."

"But I want to," Craig whined while trying to snuggle even closer to him.

Tweek smiled, and it made Craig want to kiss him. "You'll find this embarrassing tomorrow, you should probably stop."

Craig didn't understand what Tweek was talking about, regret what?

Eventually, the car was parked, and Craig was being helped out of the vehicle by Clyde and Token. Craig still didn't really know where he was but he wasn't worried, he trusted his friends. Craig couldn't even remember the last time he was this drunk, he found this so funny he started giggling.

Craig looked around at his friends, they somehow ended up inside of a house, and they were all whispering to each other. Eventually Clyde and Token left waving at him, leaving just him and Tweek.

"Let's go upstairs."

Craig crossed his arms, "but I don't want to go upstairs."

Tweek sighed in defeat, "then I guess we'll stay down here for awhile."

There was silence in the air, but Craig didn't feel it. He kept poking Tweek in the face while Tweek tried not to react.

After a good solid half an hour Craig started to get bored. He ended up just staring at Tweek, wondering how lucky he was to be in this position. Put of everyone in the world, he was the one sitting with Tweek right now.

Without really thinking, Craig leaned towards Tweek, kissing him. It felt wonderful, which was saying something because Craig has kissed more people than he could count, but while kissing Tweek, he couldn't remember anybody before him. Craig was too caught up in his dream world to realize that Tweek pushed him away and they were no longer kissing.

Craig saw a single tear run down Tweek's cheek and Craig suddenly felt like shit. He didn't really understand what made Tweek upset, but he knew it was his fault. "We're f-friends, and friends d-don't kiss each other."

Craig grinned, that was a simple fix then. "Then let's not be friends."

Tweek shook his head, "whatever we already got is too good to ruin like that, and you probably don't feel the feelings I do."

Craig didn't understand what Tweek was trying to get at, "but I do."

Tweek just shook his head, "you're drunk, you wouldn't be saying these things if you were sober."

Craig was getting frustrated, what did Tweek know about what he wanted? "I like you though."

Tweek looked towards the door, "if you remember this, say when your sober and we'll talk then."

Craig nodded his head aggressively, he could do that. As time went on Craig could feel his eyes get droopy, but he didn't want to go to sleep. Tweek started to catch on to this and started laughing at how hard Craig was fighting to stay awake.

"Come on, let's got to bed."

Craig groaned but complied nevertheless following Tweek upstairs. Tweek led him to the bed and even tucked him in, which did make Craig feel a little like a baby, but he was too tired and drunk to protest. Craig saw Tweek leave the room, and he wanted to complain and make Tweek join him, but he closed his eyes and fell asleep before he could do so.

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