Day 9, Part 3

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Craig woke up to his door slamming against the wall. The sound made him immediately jump up from bed and Kenny sit up in surprise. Craig was worried it was going to be his dad and he would have hell to pay, but he didn't know id it was better or worse that it was actually Tweek. Everyone was frozen in shock due to the awkward situation having no idea what to do.

Tweek was going crazy due to the silence so he decided he had to break it, "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't know y-you were b-busy," and then Tweek ran out.

Craig collapsed back onto the bed, well there goes Tweek ever liking him. Craig was getting irritated with the fact that Kenny was still in his bed, and he was about to kick him out but Kenny spoke up before he got the chance, "don't worry, I'm sure you could still get Tweek, he's naïve."

This just irritated Craig even more, what does Kenny know about Tweek? "Why don't you just leave?"

Kenny shrugged, "don't know, I just don't feel liked it."

The more Kenny talked the more Craig wanted to punch him in the faced, "let me rephrase that, get out of my house."

"fine, have it your way," Kenny said while leaving.

Finally Craig was alone except it didn't feel as good as it usually did. For once he wanted to be near people, but he couldn't. He did this to himself, he would have to deal with this himself. The stupidest part was that Craig didn't even know why he was so upset. Plenty of people have caught him with various partners in his bed, why was Tweek different?

Craig gave up trying to be alone, he couldn't deal with it anymore. He decided to head to the living room where his mom was. She jumped when he headed into the room, which vaguely reminded of him of something Tweek could do and he felt his heart squeeze a little.

"Hey, Mom."

"H-Hey, dinner's on the t-table."

Craig nodded before grabbing his plate and sitting down next to his mom. "So what are you up to."

"Oh, um, I-I'm waiting for your d-dad to get home." Craig nodded and then silence started to fill the room. His mom looked like there was something on her mind but she was too nervous to say anything.

"I think I'm finally going to split from your dad."

Craig stopped eating for a moment. There was a part of him that was worried for what that would mean for the future, but there was a bigger part of him that was over the moon. He would finally be able to never see that douchebag again and his mom would stop acting so anxious all the time. He knew his mom was worried though so he knew he had to voice his happiness, "Mom, that's great, I'm glad you're being so brave."

his mom gave out a weak smile, "thanks, could you stay out here with me?"

Craig gently grabbed her hand, "of course."

They stayed there for at least several hour before Craig's dad burst through the door seemingly heavily intoxicated. He stumbled up to Craig's mom and grabbed her by the arm and tried to pull her towards the bedroom.

His mom looked like she already gave up but Craig wasn't going to stand for this, "hey, don't touch her."

His dad let go of her arm and looked at Craig in confusion, as if not understanding what he said. "I was bringing her to the bedroom so she can sleep."

"She doesn't want you to though, she wants to get a divorce." Craig looked towards his mom silently asking if this is what she wanted and she just smiled thankful.

"No, she doesn't," then addressing his mom he said, "tell him you don't."

She looked down at the ground, "I-I d-don't."

Craig wanted to say something, he wanted to hurt him, but he also needed to keep his mom safe which right now meant stepping down. "Yeah, I guess you're right," and it as the hardest thing he ever did watching them walk to their bedroom.

Craig laid in bed that night, not being able to sleep. Everything was screwed up and he couldn't see an end to it anytime soon. He was trying his hardest to go to sleep but he just couldn't do it knowing his dad was witch that asshole.

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