Day 21, Part 3

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Craig felt like he was high all day. He's never been in an actual relationship before, and the idea of being in one with Tweek made him feel giddy. This was the mood he was in until he received a call from the hospital. Craig was scared to answer so he just watched it ring and let it go to voicemail.

Then he looked at it, debating if he wanted to know. Then he realized he needed to stop being a coward and pick up the damn phone. He clicked on the voice mail and held it to his ear. "Hello, I would just like to inform you that Laura Tucker has finished the surgery and will make a full recovery. You'll be able to pick her up when she stabilizes. Craig let out a sigh of relief. His mom was going to be okay.

Craig immediately sent a quick text to his sister telling her that their mom was going to be okay and then sent a group message to his friends telling them the same thing.

Craig grinned, everything is looking up. Then he started worrying, that was exactly what he thought when everything went wrong. His mind kept swirling with these thoughts when the doorbell rang.

Craig slowly got up and dragged himself to the door, hoping that whoever was there would leave before he got there. He was severely disappointed though when he opened the door and saw Kenny sobbing.

Great, of course, this is happening, he thought as he swung the door open letting Kenny step into the house. Kenny's sobs slowly became hiccups as he walked in and sat on the couch.

Craig wasn't a very sympathetic person, especially when that person was Kenny. So instead of offering support Craig just said, "what do you want?"

"Yeah, its so great to see you too," Kenny said sarcastically while wiping the remaining tears from his eyes.

Craig rolled his eyes, "are you gonna tell me or what?"

Kenny leaned back into the couch, "Butters doesn't want to see me anymore."

"And? A lot of people don't want to see you."

Kenny glared at Craig, "Butters is different, you know that."

"don't you have actual friends? People who enjoy your presence like Stan and Kyle?"

Craig could see the growing frustration on Kenny's face, "they took Butters side."

"Are you going to tell me what happened?"

"I told Butters that we should go out and he accepted but I didn't think we were serious so I slept around like usual and he got mad!"

"Are you serious?"

Kenny just nodded his head. Craig pinched his nose, "I have to agree with Butters and your friends."

"But I thought you liked sleeping around too!"

Craig hated people making assumptions, "I like sex, but not at the expense of other people."

Kenny was getting desperate now, "but you slept with Wendy while she was dating Stan."

"That was her problem, and besides, everyone knows that neither of them is off limits."

"So you're saying you wouldn't cheat on Tweek?"

The idea of cheating on Tweek and making him cry made Craig sick to his stomach, "of course not."

Kenny slumped in defeat, "so this is really my fault?"

"Yes, and now that you have finally realized that, please get out of my house. I want to get some sleep. Also, I never got a chance to respond to your text but I agree, I want to back out of the dare."

Kenny nodded and then stumbled out if Craig's house and he almost felt bad for him.

Then Craig walked back upstairs and passed out

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