Day 19

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The only thing Craig could hear was beeping. All he could see was blackness, even when he attempted to open his eyes. That was when Craig started to internally freak out. He could faintly hear rustling and hushed whispers and then skin touching his skin.

Craig thought about saying something. Thought about making whoever was with him aware of his presence but he didn't feel like using the minimal energy he had into speaking.

So he just laid there instead. He felt the mystery person grab his hand softly and then spoke, "Is he going to be okay?" Craig assumed that this was directed to somebody else in the room.

His assumptions were soon proven current when Craig heard "he will be, his injuries are pretty bad though, and the swelling around his eyes make him unable to open them."

Well, that's one mystery solved Craig thought. Then the hand that was intertwined with his released making Craig miss the warmth it provided. Craig wondered how long he was going to be able to not do anything before he couldn't take it anymore. With that he let himself drift back off into a peaceful sleep.

The answer was a long time apparently because for the rest of the day Craig just kept drifting in and out of consciousness. Craig didn't feel the need to alert anyone that he was conscious quite yet. By this time Craig was aware that he was in some sort of hospital. He knew it must have been because of his dad and while that didn't bother or surprise him much, the thought of anything happening to his mom made his blood boil.

Craig was selfish though, so he let himself lay in a hospital bed not knowing what condition his mom was in because it was better to not know than to find out that something horrible happened to her. Craig had also found out who has been on and off holding his hand all day, or had it been days? At this point, Craig couldn't tell.

When his head became less foggy later on in the day and that familiar warmth flooded through his hand, he realized it was Tweek's. Craig felt silly for not recognizing it sooner, but in his defense, he had a lot on his mind. The idea of Tweek worrying about him while holding his hand at a hospital was so cheesy it made Craig feel warm inside. With that thought in mind, he went back to sleep.

The next time he woke up he was greeted with sensory overload. Now that he didn't have his vision his other senses were heightened couple with not having much noise then suddenly have an abundance of sound was hard. After a couple of minutes of willing his headache to go away, he was finally able to figure out that the noise had been coming from Clyde, with a smidge being from Token and Tweek.

Then he was finally able to make out the actual words coming from them. "Of course we're all his cousins, do I look like the kind of person to lie?" Craig thought it was sweet that they faked being family to see him. Granted, they were definitely more family than most of the people he was actually related to.

The nurse, or doctor, or whoever the hell Clyde was talking to must have said something. At least Craig assumed so because then Clyde spoke again, "Are moms are sisters, okay?" then he continued "His dad is black not his mom, frankly ma'am I just think you were racist and I might have to report this."

There was a long pause, and then Clyde and Token were laughing, Tweek was also laughing, but it could have also been a breathy shrink of anxiety. "Playing the race card always freaks people out," Craig could hear the triumph in Clyde's voice as he said it.

With the thought of how much he loved his friends replaying over and over in his head, Craig fell asleep again. This time with the tinge of a smile that he couldn't help hiding.

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