Day 8, Part 2

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Craig was lying on his bed lost in thought. Ever since Tweek was introduced into his life, he's noticed he's been doing that a lot.

Why does everyone seem to know something he doesn't? What does he even feel toward Tweek? Craig knew he enjoyed spending time with him but was he a friend? Did Tweek think they were friends? Is he going to be able to complete the bet if he actually starts enjoying Tweek's company as a friend?

Craig shook his head, he wasn't in the mood for thinking, he needed to get out of the house and fast. Craig grabbed his jacket and stormed out of the house, he didn't know where he was going, he just needed to distract himself.

After Craig walked the neighborhood for hours, focusing on the sound of his feet touching the pavement and the sun hitting his face, he couldn't take it any longer. He needed to know, and he needed to know now. He was done playing games.

Craig took his phone out, planning on calling Clyde since he apparently knows everything when he hesitated. Craig's finger hovered over the call button, he thought he wanted this, but he was scared. It was stupid, but there was something in his gut telling him not to do this.

He sighed as he placed his phone back in its pocket. He figured he would deal with this another day. Even though there was nothing awful happening, everything felt off.

He didn't want to smoke, he didn't want to eat, and he didn't want to bother his friends. He didn't even want to sleep for crying out loud!

Eventually, Craig found himself in front of Stark's Pond. He sat down in the grass and started looking at the clouds. Craig never liked cloud gazing very much, it wasn't that it wasn't relaxing because it was defiantly peaceful. It just tended to make him feel stupid, everyone could see these fanciful shapes and all he saw was blobs.

Craig stayed there until the sky was dark and the air was cold. He got up and quickly stretched before making his way home. The walk was uneventful, and for the first time ever Craig actually felt lonely.

Craig was about to step into his house when he heard the screaming. He thought about entering anyway, but he knew his dad would turn the yelling on him, and he wasn't as strong as his mom, he would undoubtedly cause a scene.

So instead he texted Clyde that he was coming over and headed to his house. It wasn't the first time he went to Clyde's house to avoid his dad, and it won't be the last either, but it was the first time that he had the urge to go to Tweek's instead. Which Craig knew was stupid because Tweek wouldn't want to deal with his problems and he was grounded anyway. So Craig just suppressed the urge and started walking to Clyde's house, granted it was more of a hobble since all of the walking he did that day started catching up with his sprained ankle.

Eventually, Craig made it to Clyde's place and opened the door without bothering to knock. He wasn't surprised when he saw some sort of movie on in the background while Token and Clyde threw popcorn at each other. They froze in embarrassment and Token opened up his mouth to say something, but Craig held out his hand to signal silence.  Then proceeded to collapse on to Clyde's bed and fall asleep.

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