Day 11, Part 2

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Craig and Tweek arrived shortly at Craig's house. Craig breathed in a sigh of relief when nobody was home. In retrospect though, he probably should of checked before bringing Tweek back to his house. "Didn't your dad say he didn't want me here again?"

Craig grinned as he closed the door behind them, "what he doesn't know won't hurt him."

Craig watched Tweek stand awkwardly in the middle of the room for a while before Tweek finally spoke up, "so what do you want to do?"

Craig was a little embarrassed because he hadn't really thought about what they would do once they actually got there. It was just some stupid heat of the moment decision that he was regretting more and more as every second goes by.

Craig was going to tell Tweek that he should probably just go and forget about everything when the door opened. Craig was confused, mainly because he had no idea who could possibly be coming into his house. He was pleasantly surprised when it was his sister. He hasn't seen his younger sister in such a long time, she was in middle school now.

After one of their dad's bad days she ended up running away. Craig knows she's fine and healthy but that's about it, he has no idea how she's survived on the streets. Every once in a while she comes back when their dad wasn't home so she could visit with them. Unfortunately, the older she's gotten the fewer times she visited.

Everyone looked at each other waiting for someone to say or do something. Eventually Tricia raised her eyebrow towards Craig and said, "what's Tweek doing here?"

Craig blinked slowly, "how do you know Tweek?"

Tricia looked at Tweek, to which he shook his head at. Craig was getting really sick and tired of people having secret conversations right in front of him. Craig was going to have to find out what day or another so he figured now's a better time than any. "What are you guys not telling me?"

Tricia looked at Tweek who proceeded to start heavily twitching, "I-it's complicated."

Craig turned his attention over to his sister who just shook her head, "I should actually get going soon, see you guys later," and with that she walked back out the door.

There was a moment of dead silence before Tweek said, "what the hell just happened?"

"It's a long story, I'll explain it to you at a different time."

"yeah, okay, I understand."

Craig looked at the clock and noticed it was about lunch time, "do you want to get something for lunch."

Tweek hesitated, "c-can we just make something here?"

Craig didn't understand why Tweek really just wanted to make something there but he wasn't complaining, honestly he kind of felt the same way. "Yeah, sure, sounds good."

The two of them spent a good hour trying to cook something nice but after that ended in complete disaster they resorted to simply eating ramen. They sat at Craig's table slurping their noodles in delight too busy eating to actually say anything.

Eventually they were done eating and they were left with nothing to do again. "Why do you sleep with so many people?"

Craig was a little taken aback by the question. He didn't feel uncomfortable answering but he genuinely didn't really know how to answer it. So instead he turned the attention back on Tweek, "why do you care so much?"

Tweek's entire face started turning red, "w-well, I just don't think it makes you very happy is all."

Craig thought about it, and Tweek wasn't really wrong, he didn't enjoy it, or at least not in the long run. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

The blush on Tweek's check's seemed to turn even darker if it were possible, his mouth opened to speak but Craig would never know what he was going to say because the door opened for a second time that day except this time it was way worse than hi sister, it was his dad.

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