Day 10

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Craig laid in bed exhausted since he never went to sleep last night. He glanced at the noticing it was already ten in the morning, Craig figured he didn't really want to go to school today anyway.

Craig was about to try to get some actual sleep when his phone started ringing, at first he ignored it because he really didn't want to talk to people, but he didn't plan on the caller's persistence.

After the fifth time his phone started ringing, he gave up and answered.

"What the hell did you do to Tweek?"

By they voice alone Craig could tell it was Clyde and he couldn't decide if he was relieved or not. "Hey, good to see you too," Craig said sarcastically.

Even though Craig couldn't see Clyde, he knew he was rolling his eyes on the other side of the phone. "You had one thing to do, to not hurt Tweek and look what you did."

"I didn't mean to hurt him."

"What even happened anyway?"

"You mean you don't know?"

"He came to my house sobbing last night, I was going to ask, but he fell asleep before he could explain."

Tweek was crying? Craig knew he upset him, but he didn't realize to what extent. "He just caught me in bed with Kenny, I didn't realize he was so upset."

"This is worse then I thought," and Craig could hear the worry in his tone.

"I don't understand what the big deal is."

Clyde sighed on the other end, "dude, I promise that if it were up to me, you would know, but he wants to keep it secret."

"Who wants to keep what secret?"

Craig could hear rustling in the background, and before he could ask any more questions, Clyde hung up. Craig felt like it was odd but he figured that Tweek just woke up or something.

Craig was planning on heading downstairs to eat lunch and or breakfast, he hadn't really decided yet, but then he remembered his parents. He didn't know which if either of his parents were home but he didn't want to risk going downstairs and confronting either of them at the moment. His dad because he was an asshole that he never wanted to see again, and his mom because Craig had failed her and he didn't want to look her in the eyes and see how the disappointment in them.

So he decided to simply lay in bed, and he stayed there all day just on his phone. At one point he stood up pacing up and down the small space of his bedroom just so he could move. Craig was stubborn, so he was going to stay in his room until someone psychically forced him out of it. Which thankfully for him didn't even happen.

After all, his family life was a mess, Tweek was upset with him, and his friends were taking Tweek's side. He knew deep down that there were people with way worse lives and he wasn't doing anything to try and fix it, but Craig just wanted a one person pity party at the moment.

He knew tomorrow would come eventually, and he would have to deal with the mess he's created, but Craig would deal with that when he got there. For now he would just wallow in his room feeling sorry for himself.

Which was precisely what he did all day in-between restless naps, Craig knew that his future self was really going to hate him when tomorrow came.

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