Day 25, Part 4

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Craig looked at his sister and mother and he couldn't tell what they were feeling. He could guess though that it was similar to him, horror and relief all at once. Especially for his mom, who was in love with him at one point in her life.

"So what are we going to do?" he asked.

Craig pretended not to notice the tears in her eyes as she held her children. "We're not going to do anything. I'm going to go to the police and you guys are going to stay here.

"He's our family too!" Craig said exasperatedly. "I need to know what happens to that asshole."

His mom looked him in the eye, "you will, I promise. But you're still a kid and I'm your mom and my job is to protect you."

Craig wanted to argue with her but he knew she wouldn't give up so he admitted defeat and just shut his mouth. His mom smiled and kissed on his head before leaving.

That just left him and Tricia. He didn't know what he was planning to say but then Tricia beat him to it, "well I'm going to bounce, see you later."

Craig couldn't even say goodbye before she was gone. It angered Craig. How little he saw his own sister but he decided to push it down. There were worst things that could happen between them and he has bigger problems.

He sighed and sat down. He looked at the clock and was surprised that it already ten. He was hungry so he made himself a quick dinner of cereal and sat down to watch TV.

He tried to distract himself from all of the possible things that could go wrong but failed. He was just worried about his mom. Honestly, Craig hates it when she suddenly starts to pretend like she had this responsibility to protect him.

Craig needed a distraction so he decided to call Clyde. The phone rang before Clyde finally picked up, "it's about time."

"What do you mean?"

There was a pause before Clyde continued, "I assumed you were here to finally get Tweek back."

Craig smiled at the thought of Tweek before his mood went sour again. "I really want to, but I think we both need time."

"It's been a couple of days, "how much more time do you guys need!" Clyde said exasperatedly.

Craig avoided the question by saying what was really on his mind, "they found my dad."

"I'll be right over."

Craig shook his head and then realized that Clyde couldn't see that. "Don't come over, I just wanted to hear your voice."

Clyde laughed, "you would hear my voice more if you actually went to class."

"I go to class sometimes."

"Yeah, sure you do." There was a loud crash from the other side of the phone before Clyde continued, "sorry, I really have to go."

Craig was going to say goodbye but then Clyde hung up. He decided to brush it off, it probably wasn't anything serious. Craig looked at the time and decided to head to bed. He didn't get much sleep that night.

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