The Ending

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After that everything started looking up. Craig expected to be back in Tweek's arms a lot sooner than it actually was. What Craig thought would be a couple weeks turned into a couple months.

They were just at Tweak Bros. Coffee helping his parents out when Tweek asked him out. It was cute and they've been dating ever since. Craig couldn't ask for someone better than Tweek.

Token eventually did get over his crush on Clyde. Their friendship didn't go back to normal though. It morphed into something different but good. The four of them were still best friends and Craig doubted that would ever change. Even if Clyde constantly complained about Tweek and Craig shoving their cuteness in his face.

Craig still worried about Butters. He lived with him for a couple of months before he moved into Kenny's house. He knew the boy hasn't spoken to his parents in a long time but neither party seemed to mind.

Kenny still gets under Craig's skin. Although, they have found a lot of common ground and they don't have a problem talking to each other when their friend groups aren't any help. Craig knows Kenny does love Butters and has learned what it means to be in a relationship.

Karen healed quickly, she was always a tough girl. Craig doesn't talk to her very often and he still can't look her in the face. But, Butters tells him that she has no hard feelings.

His mom is getting better every day. Her physical damage had been slowly healing and eventually, there were no traces of abuse. Her emotional damage runs deeper though. There are some days when it seems like she's perfectly happy and normal. Then there are the days when she's broken and unresponsive. She started seeing a therapist though. While she still isn't healed completely Craig has no doubt that the bruises and tears would seem like a distant memory and she would be fine.

Tricia comes to the house most days. She's still secretive and Craig knows she has a double life that she won't tell them about. There are days that they won't see her for weeks. These are usually the hardest times for his mom. But Tricia apologizes now, and Craig can see in her eyes that she wants to be part of the family for once.

His dad was in jail. Thankfully he wouldn't be out for a while and when he eventually will be. The both of them will ha e a restraining order against him. So hopefully they'll never have to see his face again.

So Craig has been okay. He doesn't know what the future holds. There are also a lot of unknowns and while so many things could go wrong. For once in his life, Craig is pretty optimistic about the future.

Even the days when Karen flinches when he's at Kenny's house. Even when Tweek has to be reassured that Craig isn't messing with his feelings. Even when Butters is at his house sobbing and heartbroken. Even when his best friends avoid any contact with each other. Even when they have no idea where his sister is. And even when his mom looks out the window for hours and doesn't respond to the outside world.

Because things are getting better. And all healing takes time. So for once in his life, Craig is content.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2018 ⏰

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