Chapter 6: Storytime

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"Billie, I've noticed something different from yesterday to today," I tell her.

"Like what?" She asks

"You're falling for Mariana, I know it." I say.

"Not this shit again, I'm not falling for anyone, I don't do relationships in general, never have and never will!" She tries to defend herself.

"Seriously Bil? Yes, you are."

"Ok." She says.

"Ok?" I ask confused at her answer.

"Obviously, whatever I'm saying isn't making it click in your head that I'm not falling for her, even if I was, you can't fall in love in a day." She says bluntly.

"Uhh, have you heard of love at first sight?"

"Yeah but it doesn't apply to me."

"Billie, stop denying it." I say.

"I told you, I don't like her! Why do you think all of a sudden that I like her!?" She yells at me.

"Because! You told her the story of the day your family was killed. You never told anyone besides me and Claudia. So why her? And you ask her to move in? Then you introduced her everyone whenever someone comes into this house they introduce themselves not you. And all those times she threatened you. YOU DID NOTHING!" I say hitting key points

"That doesn't mean anything Zoe, she's just lucky then." Billie looks at me.

"Yes it does, you like her!"

"I DONT LIKE HER!" She yells and bangs her foot so hard that the marble cracks. She looks at the floor seeing it cracked and walks out the storage room pushing by me with aggression.

Well I just pissed her off.

2 months later

Mariana POV

I've been here for a while and today was a busy day, Billie had meetings all day. I've gotten close to her but she didn't let me about all the gang stuff, she told me she wasn't in a gang it was just a fantasy that the city had of her family.

It was just me and Claudia on the couch watching tv, and I got bored.

I turn the tv off and face her. She faces me with the 'I'm gonna kill you' look.

"Let's talk." I say.

"About?" She asks.

"Umm your life." I shrug.

"My life? That's complicated, I don't wanna bore you with that." She says.

"I'm willing to listen."

"Fine. I'm 21, it's only me and my mom, my dad died when I was four, I haven't seen my mom in a while but we facetime every day I went to boarding school when I was 4 to 5 years old, when I came back, my dad was dead and my mom gave birth to another child, but it was a stillborn, I came 1 week later."

"Oh.. I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay it's just that I wish that I got to hold her and I always wanted a mini-me and someone to annoy me and follow my every move." Claudia laughs while playing with the decor pillow.

"Oh, I was an only child." I say.

"Why are you saying 'was', you're using past tense, did your parents pass away or?"

"No not that, me and my mom don't have the best relationship. She has betrayed me in ways that are unforgivable." I say.

"Sorry, tell me about you now." She says.

"Um, my dad died before I was born, mom gave me up for adoption because she didn't have the money to raise me and when I turn 13 she adopted me and I eventually got into boxing and won the championships at age 13 and 14, life was good until my 15th Birthday, I found out that she used my championship money for drugs and i lost it, I pounced on her, once I stopped she was in a pool of blood she called the cops, they sent me to army boot camp where I got into karate and she was sent to jail for 2 years. She got out of jail before I got out of Boot Camp, when I walked in the house she was there getting dicked down by some guy and I walked out, I stayed with Nicole for a while, got my own place and here I am."

"Wow, your life sounds shitty." She says bluntly.

"Oh trust me, it is."

"Oh, well I'm sorry about your mom, my mom got out of jail 2 years ago too and she's moving in tomorrow."

"Like moving in?"

"Yea. I haven't seen for so long and I love my mother so I want her to stay."

"Has she ever visited?" I ask.

"Yeah but she only stays for weekends, I asked her to actually move in and she loved the idea! So I'm excited for tomorrow!" Claudia says exactly.

"Oh." I say looking down.

"I'm sorry if I'm bragging." Claudia immediately feels bad.

"No, I just wished my mom loved me as much as yours loves you and I want to love my mom but I just can't." A single tear falls down my cheek.

"Aww come here." Claudia hugs me and cuddles me as I quietly sobbed into her arms. We cried and she held me to sleep.

Billie POV

I know, I know. I lied when I said I wasn't in a gang. I just have this need of protecting her and she doesn't need to know about our world. Me and Zoe have been in and out of meetings all day. Zoe comes with me to my meetings because every leader needs their right-hand man and Zoe's obviously mine. We go to check on Claudia and Mariana, We walk in and they are cuddling and asleep.

"Jealous?" Zoe teases.

"Nope." I say plainly.

"Yes you are." Zoe nudges me and I push her lightly.

"Actually I'm not and hey? is it me or does Mariana not resemble Claudia a bit?"

"What do you mean resemble?"

"Doesn't Mariana kind of look like her? Dumbass." I say to Zoe.

"Ok Damn! But now that you say it, yeah I kinda see it."

"Whatever, let's put the blanket over them." I say.

"When did you become a softie? Putting blankets over people?" Zoe asks looking me up and down.

"Come on it's Claudia! We have to put a blanket over her. You know she gets cold easily." I say.

"And Mariana..." Zoe tags on.

"You know what? Shut the hell up, you put the blanket over them." I throw the blanket at Zoe and she puts the blanket over them. Zoe has been picking at me for 2 months to admit that I like her and it ain't happening.

You Don't Know Me [Billie Eilish AU] [✅ Completed]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat