Chapter 39: "Oh Shit."

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Mariana POV

I shoot up from my alarm and hurry to fix myself up, it's Billie's freaking birthday, the day of the big Ball. I'm so excited. I got her so many gifts. I finish getting changed, everything in the house is going to be crowded today, Billie has about 20 private jets flying here to pick up all these 200 people and all their luggage.

I already packed most of my stuff, I just need to pack my phone and all those other essentials. I finally get dressed.

I go to Emilia's room. "Hi, baby..." She giggles and puts her hand out wanting me to get her out of the crib. I put her down and she starts walking around. I grab a diaper and some clothes for her to wear. And after fighting with her to put her arms down so I can put her clothes on.

I finally did it and the door is already open she grabs the bottom and swings it open and walks out. Oop- this girl has an attitude. I walk out to see her walking to Billie's room already. So I walk in front of her so she can follow me. We finally get to Billie's room and the door is already tilted open a little, so Emilia pushes it.

We see Billie texting rapidly on her phone. Must be party plans. She finally stops and looks over to us and gives us a smile that will always make me fall in love with her again. Emilia walks over to Billie's lap and starts hitting it and pointing at the bed.

"Mommy, jump, bed." She keeps saying over and over, Billie puts her on the bed and Emilia starts to jump on the bed. I walk over to Billie kissing her passionately and saying Happy Birthday. I realized that she is nowhere near packed.

"Billie. You have to pack. We're leaving in like 3 hours, most of the jets are already here."

"I know. I know. I'll do it, I promise."

I give her one last kiss before picking up Emilia and leaving. We walk downstairs where Natalie is standing. I feel Emilia tense up in my arms. Weird? I look at Emilia to see her eyes changing Blue. "Are you okay Emilia? What's wrong?". I ask Emilia.

She points at Natalie and says "Her hit me."

"Hit you?"

Emme nods her head rapidly and I give her to Danielle far away from Natalie and I see her eyes changes back to her natural green. I walk up to Natalie who back is faced towards me. I spin her around and slap her. She yelps with the force of my hand.

"Why would you SMACK ME!?"

"Don't you ever put your hands on my daughter."

I punch her in her gut and she falls over and I feel myself getting pulled back and arms wrapped around my stomach. "Woah, Woah, Woah. Everybody calm down. There will be no fighting on my birthday." I hear Billie say.

At this point, I'm trying to squirm out of Billie's arms but she has a stronghold on me. "Let me go, Billie. She hit Emilia! That ugly bitch is gonna pay."

I feel Billie stop. "Wait what?" I nod my head and I feel Billie let go of me. I would go to finish what I was doing but it seems like Billie has it under control. I watch Billie walk up to Natalie who is also backing up. Her back hits the wall and Billie looks at her seductively.

I know she's just being a tease. I watch her cup Natalie's face softly before punching her in her face. Natalie falls to the ground. Billie lifts up Natalie by her shirt and says "Touch Emilia. You're Dead."

Natalie nods her head in agreement because she's too scared of Billie. Billie lets Natalie go and walks into the kitchen. She stands up to the countertop calling everyone over. Everyone gets up and looks at her. "Today is a big day, there will be jets flying in so pack your things and put them up. There will be a few people staying back. It is... 6 a.m. right now so we'll arrive at LA by noon. The Ball is at 8. See you there."

Everyone scatters away Claudia says "Alright, so Billie rented out a hotel for a few nights, for everyone to get ready in. Which means I'm doing your makeup and you have your dress right?" I say yes and Billie goes upstairs to finish packing.

Our conversation is interrupted by a doorbell. Kehlani and Zoe rush to open it and Claudia goes to see who it is, I follow. The door open and their mouths open and all 3 of them begin to stutter. I look to see who it is. I'm taken back when I see Billie's mom and dad and Finneas.

"What the? I'm not seeing right." Claudia says.

"It's me in the flesh," Finn says and Claudia screams and runs to him tackling him, Kehlani and Zoe run to Maggie and Patrick hugging them. Billie must have heard the screaming because she rushes down confused. But she stops in her tracks.

"I'm not seeing this. Billie, this is fake." She starts to back up shaking her head. "It's us," Maggie says and Billie says "Oh shit." Before falling to the ground, her eyes shut.

She done blacked out. Ok. I'm in a hospital bed right now. I was gonna post one more time last night. Like promised. But then I started throwing up and I have strep throat. I'm gonna be in the hospital for a few days. So I want to take the weekend off from updating if you don't mind?

You Don't Know Me [Billie Eilish AU] [✅ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now