Chapter 37: She's Back

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You guys need to remember this key factor for this chapter: Nicole. She's Mariana ex-best friend. They were friends for over 10 years, but when Mariana insulted Billie in the Cafe. Nicole just left her side and they haven't talked for 9 months.

Billie POV

The truth is I have ECD too, was diagnosed when I was younger but mine have different side effects. For instance, my skin won't darken and my eyes are naturally blue, but when I feel an emotion, they'll go green. But Emilia's eye is naturally green, but then change blue.

It's genetic, I have it, Finn had it and my mom had it. Doctors said that my eyes won't start changing until I'm around 18 which is in a few days. So im nervous a little. 

Over time my hair did get lighter, but I dye it all the time. Right now, I'm watching Emilia just play in my lap and I just daydream at her giggles and I smile at the sight. My daze is interrupted when someone says "Miss Gambino?" I say yes without looking at them and I continue to stare at Emme.

"Umm, can my girlfriend come over?" The man asks.

"What's her name?"


"I don't care, but if she causes trouble, she's dead."

I can feel him nod his head and walk away. Little did I know I let Mariana's former best friend walk in my house.

A few hours later. This is Nicole's POV.

Nicole POV

I was nervous walking into the Gambino home. From what I heard, Billie is terrifying. What if she hurt Mariana. I've been working up the guts to ask her about Mariana. But I don't think I am. Truth is, I've been crushing on Billie. I know I have a boyfriend, but I'm using him to get close to her.

I think a little flirting here and there tonight will make her fall for me if she isn't in love with anyone else. I breathe in and out arriving at the front door of the Gambino house. It was huge! I ring the doorbell and I can hear it echoing in the house. I hear footsteps and the door opens.

I see my boyfriend Mitch, he kisses me and I kiss back. When his back is turned, I gag. He looks back and I smile. We walk in and I look around, I see people moving around smoothly and the house doesn't seem chaotic. The floor is marble and my footsteps echoes.

This is a house I want to live in. Then I see her. Billie. She dyed her roots neon green with black hair and she looks beautiful. Her hair is down and her shoulders and she's playing with a beautiful baby.

I'm ready to be a Step-mommy. Mitch tells me to wait for 10 minutes and I sit on the white leather couch near Billie. She scoots over a little and ignores me still playing with the baby.

Billie POV

This must be Mitch's girlfriend. She's mad close, so I scoot over picking Emilia and placing her on my lap and I feel this girl's stare on me. I turn to look at her, her cheeks turn pink.

"Can I help you?" I ask her.

She stutters "S-sorry, im Nicole."

"I know."

"So you've heard about me?"

"No, but I know who walks in and out of my house. If I see someone I don't know. They'll be shot by me in an instant."

She gasps a little. "You wouldn't kill me, right? You like me."

"One. I don't like you, I don't even know you. Two. Have you done something that would make me want to kill you?"

"I don't know? You want to find out?" She runs her fingers on my shorts. I get up rapidly and smack her hand. "What is your problem? Do not touch me!" She puts her hand back in place.

Nicole POV

I put my hand back in place. I was only trying to get her to know me. Great, Nicole now she'll never like you. I look down and I hear her say "If you want to live, don't lay a finger on me." I nod quickly clearing my throat. I'm so fucking embarrassed.

I hear some more footsteps "Babe, are you okay? I heard you shouting?" I hear a familiar voice say. I look up to Mariana looking at Billie concerned. Mariana? What is she doing here? I thought Billie killed her. And how come when Mariana touches Billie, it's fine? But when I touched her, she threatened me.

Billie turns away from me and her lips collide with Mari's, at first I think it's an accident until I see Mariana kiss back. I feel a gallon of jealousy churn in my stomach. They're dating!? "Mariana?"

Mariana POV

I hear a voice that I can't help but recognize. I look to see Nicole sitting on the couch. I blink a little to see if I'm hallucinating. I'm not. "Nicole."

First Update of the Evening. Two More To Go for today.

You Don't Know Me [Billie Eilish AU] [✅ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now