Chapter 11: Be Careful Who You Call Your Friend

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Billie POV

"Uh." Mariana says as she's crazy nervous.

"Stop, your making her nervous " I laugh softly because this is all funny to me for some reason. Mariana looks like all the color has drained from her face.

I shake my head and toss my feet over the bed and walk out my bedroom door ignoring Zoe asking me where I was going. I shut the door and head down to the basement where the intruder was. I tell one of my workers.

"Get me the best rifle, and make it an automatic."

"Are you sure, Ms. Gambino?"

"Why the hell wouldn't I be sure?"

"It's automatic, you never use automatic guns. Are you sure Billie?" I punch him in his face and he stumbles back and I grab him by his collar and pull him to my face.

"I'm not your friend, don't call me Billie. Go get me my rifle NOW!" I let him out of my hold and he runs away.

Mariana POV

"When were you going tell me? Claudia asks.

"I wasn't worried about who to tell, I was just in the moment."

(I thought since they're sisters and they both come from Hispanics roots, why not add some Spanish but I'll be nice and add the translation in the parentheses.)

Claudia begins to snap at me in spanish "ENTONCES PENSASTE QUE ESTABA BIEN SOLO METER LA LENGUA EN LA GARGANTA DE ALGUIEN Y NO DECIRME. ¡SOY TU HERMANA! (so you thought it was ok to just put your tongue down someone's throat and not tell me. im your sister!)"

I understood every word Claudia was saying and I was very fluent in Spanish and so I say "BUENO, ESTA FUE LA PRIMERA VEZ QUE SUCEDIÓ! ME ESTÁS HACIENDO SONAR COMO UNA AZADA POR DEJAR QUE ESO SUCEDA. ¡TENGO 17! (Well, this was the first time it happened! You're making me sound like a hoe for letting that happen. im 17!).

Zoe butts in " Aww, y'all are having your first argument. Me and Claudia both tell Zoe in unison "Cállate Zoe! (Shut up Zoe)"

"I have no idea what y'all just said, but i know it was being rude." Zoe says.

"Mariana, ya no soy tu amiga, soy tu hermana. Soy mayor que tú, ¿qué más no me has dicho?(Mariana, im not your friend anymore, im your sister. im older than you so what else havent you told me? )" Claudia asks furiously.

"Uhhh que estamos saliendo?(Uhhh that we're dating?)" I say more as a question than a statement.

"Y'all are dating?" She looks at me softly.

"Yeah?" I say.

"Wait what did you say?" Zoe snaps her head to my head.

"Im not repeating myself." I say annoyed.

Claudia and Zoe squeal in excitement.

"Whatever. How big is her dick?"

"Yeah. How big and how long?"

"One. We didn't fuck and two, what do you mean dick?" I ask confused.

"Oh she didn't tell you?" Zoe asks.

"Tell me what?" I say.

"Billie is intersex, in other words, she has a dick she was born with it." Zoe tells me and I widen my eyes

"ZOE!" Claudia yells

"What!? They're dating now, shouldn't she know?" Zoe says.

"Not from you!" Claudia argues

"Honestly, I dont really care what she has. I didn't kiss her because of that. I dont care." I say.

"Wow. Then I fucked up big time, I don't think I was supposed to tell you." Zoe says scratching her neck.

"You think? She's gonna kill you. You know Billie finds out everything, I think you should hide before she finds out." Claudia says.

"Too late." A voice near the door says all 3 of us follow the voice to the door and it's Billie. Billie tackles Zoe to the ground and then punching her repeatedly. Zoe's screaming for help, me and Claudia are trying to pull Billie off of her but since we are small people we can't.

"Dude! Get off of her!" I yell

"Go get help, she's gonna kill her." Claudia says. I run out of the room and run-up to the first guy I see.

"You! Come here. Billie's gonna kill her." I say.

I sprint to the room with him following me. I push the door open and Billie is still punching Zoe while Claudia is losing her grip on Billie

The guy says "Oh shit" and runs towards Billie pulling her off of Zoe. The guy picks up Billie over his shoulder and takes a kicking and yelling Billie out of the room.

Me and Claudia turn our attention to Zoe and her face is full of blood dripping onto the floor. We walk Zoe to the infirmary and I go to find Billie while Claudia goes to her room.

I see a guy and I ask him if he knows where she was taken to. He walks and I follow him to a room and we step in front of a door and he walks away.


I noticed the voice is Billies and then I hear crashing, punching and glass shattering. "Liam, if you don't let me out, I will shoot you in the knee caps and slit your throat." I try to find something to unlock this door and I get a bobby pin from my hair and insert it into the keyhole and wiggle it until I hear a click.

The door is unlocked. I open the door and see Billie sitting on a chair with her legs up on the table tapping it with her nails, she's facing a window with bars on them and I'm behind her.

She doesn't notice me or the door being open she's just staring out the opened bar covered window and I enjoy the sight of her blue hair flowing in the room.

I decide to break the silence and call out her name.


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~Love, Say

You Don't Know Me [Billie Eilish AU] [✅ Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن