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Ned tossed and turned for most of the night, sleep hard to find he eventually gave up and got out of bed quietly so as not to wake Cat, he dressed and went to the one place where he always found peace, the godswood. As he knelt before the weirwood tree he thought over what had happened, what he had agreed to, was he breaking his promise or as Jaime Lannister had accused him had he already done so, how would his sister see it, "Lya have I failed your boy" his voice softly carried in the night.

He sat there for hours, the cold not bothering him so lost was he in his thoughts, Jaime offered Jon something he couldn't or was that wouldn't, the feeling of shame at some of what he'd been accused of too hard to shake off, had he protected Robert more than he had Jon, he knew Cat had never accepted the boy and while she had never been physically abusive, she had made it clear what he was and that he was not the same as her children, my children, have I done the same, have I treated him as my son, the simple answer was he hadn't and the thought of it broke his heart.

Ned resolved to do better, Jon would have a better life with Jaime away from Cat's disdain and from being reminded constantly that he was a bastard, he'd have a chance at a future and if come the day the truth outed, then Ned would be there for him. He left the godswood and went to the only other place he felt peace, the crypts, walking past the statues until he found heir's, the fierce little sister he loved so much. He looked up at the likeness, the sculptor had tried his best but no statue could ever capture the light that shone in Lyanna, no sculptor was talented enough to capture the love of life she exhibited.

He looked up at her face, the face that haunted him most nights and he smiled "you'd be so proud of him, Lya." Kneeling down he began to dig at the base of the statue, moving the dirt aside until he found what he was looking for, the box looked exactly as it had when he found it in the tower so many years earlier. The three-headed dragons entwined holding a blue rose in its talons, wiping the dust from the wood made the image come to life as if it had just been painted yesterday. He opened the box and checked its contents, once he was sure they were all there, he moved behind the statue and opened the base to find the other object, long and slim and wrapped in a sheet, he took it and the box and headed back inside.

Jon woke up earlier than usual; he quickly dressed and left the room figuring he'd have a little time to train before breaking his fast, as he walked towards the training area he saw a figure enter through the opposite door, moving closer he saw it was his father, carrying something in his hands. He almost shouted out a hello until he saw his father's face which made him reconsider, his father looked as if the last thing he wanted was to be spoken too, so Jon left him be and continued on his way.

Jaime could get addicted to porridge and honey, what had started firstly as a warm meal to break his fast on these cold northern mornings had quickly become something he would make sure would be served in Casterly Rock from now on. He decided to have a second bowl and as he motioned to the serving girl to bring it in he saw Jon enter the room, sweat running down his brow he looked as if he'd been training yet again, Jaime admired his dedication, not every young lad would put in a training session before breaking their fast. He motioned the young lad over deciding he'd like some company while eating the second bowl of porridge and besides the boy would no doubt eat on his own, otherwise.

"Lord Jaime"

"Sit down Lad; break your fast with me"

Jon looked pensively at him before looking around the room, after a moment and obviously finding whatever it was he wanted to find, he sat down.

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