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Jon could feel it, feel it's presence, always there at the back of his mind, it called to him without using words, guided him in actions he wasn't completely aware he was taking. From the moment he'd touched the egg it had become a part of him, as he sat there watching it in the fire he could barely remember how he felt before Jaime gave it to him. It was just like Ghost in a lot of ways and Winter to a lesser extent, he was linked, connected somehow to these lives and while it scared him, it strengthened him also.

Leaving the egg at the rock had never been an option, while the voices were no longer as clear and he hadn't given it blood since those first few days, it still needed him, needed to be kept warm, needed to feel the fire. So he had kept the fire hot, kept it well stocked and allowed it to burn constantly, the egg welcomed it, he knew that, though how he knew he couldn't explain. When the thoughts came to leave it behind, he felt it deep in his core that this was wrong, he could almost hear the words in his head 'Wrong, Wrong, Wrong' he thought they said, so he wrapped it up and brought it with him.

The journey by ship had seen a change yet again, the fires no longer needed to be kept fully ablaze, the egg content to rest among the embers, so he lit the fire in the morning and he'd go back to it. Relight it when he felt it was right when he slept at night though he kept the egg close, he curled his body around it and found he slept more soundly than he had without it. He would wake the next morning, place the egg back among the embers and once again light the fire to keep it warm.

When he had spoken with Jaime about it they had agreed that no one could know just yet, that they would take steps to ensure no one found out until they were ready, the first of these had been the easiest. Jon would clean his own room, grab his own bedclothes and the servants would be told to leave him be, for Jon this wasn't much of a problem, he already did most of that anyway much to the servant's amusement.

"Are you sure about this Jon?" Alyce asked.

"Aye Alyce, will you let the others know?"

"It's the most strange, but I'll do so."

"Lord Jaime wants me to be prepared for when there are no servants, Alyce, to be able to do things myself."

"Which you mostly do anyway," Alyce said a note of annoyance in her voice.

"Aye, I know, I'm still not used to be waited on Alyce, besides I'm sure they won't complain about having to look after another pampered lordling"

"You're far from that." Alyce giggled.

While keeping servants from his room was easy, it was impossible to keep others from it, Jaime had given him one of the only keys though, so when he was out that wasn't a problem. However, when he was in the room, even locking it didn't keep people from it. Removing a section from the fire grate did allow them to place the egg in such a position that with the fire over it, no one would see. Something Jaime had ensured was done in his room here in the manse, so when he woke that morning, he began the same procedure over again, placing the egg in the hollow, he lit the fire, before getting dressed.

Today would be a busy day, he had told Joy he'd take her to buy her a present, having forgotten to bring her the one he'd promised yesterday. The little girl had been devastated by it, not at the absence of a present but at the fact he'd forgotten to bring her one.

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