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He had noticed it after the wedding and more specifically on the ship back to Lannisport, but had let it be thinking that once they reached home Jon would pull himself out of the funk he'd gotten into. When they had arrived at the rock he was pleased to see that just being around Joy seemed to bring the boy back to his normal self. However as the days went on he realized that was not the truth, while he was happy on the outside, something was clearly bothering him and Jaime had begun to worry about him more and more.

As he got dressed and headed down for their spar he thought on whether or not he should bring it up, or should he give Jon more time and perhaps the boy would bring it up himself. Gerion and Tyrion had both noticed and even his aunt Genna had commented, which had made his heart swell to see her care for Jon as much as the rest of the family did.

He knew that was partly due to her sons enjoying having an older boy put them through their paces in the yard, Tion and Walder along with Martin and Willem had formed a tight little grouping and unlike Lancel who ignored them, Jon pointed things out to them and had taken to sparring with them occasionally much to their delight.

He stepped out of the lift and walked to the courtyard to find Jon standing there waiting for his sword in hand and smiled, even with whatever it was that was on his mind, Jon always turned up for his lessons. He looked around to see where Ghost was, the little wolf had lately decided to sneak up on him was a fun new game and more than once he'd scared the life out of him, he saw him thankfully sitting by the wall, although he too looked a little bit sadder than usual.

"Morning Jon, you're eager I see."

"Aye, I am my lord," Jon said his smile true but less full than usual.

"Good then shall we begin"

Jaime moved into position and waited for Jon to attack, the sword came quickly at him and he blocked it before moving to the left and attacking quickly. Jon's defence had gotten much better during their time together, his movement and placement of his feet were always incredible but the way he now used Jaime's strikes against him to limit the power advantage he had, was something he was very proud of.

They moved together blade's crossing, their movements speeding up, Jaime still had the edge on Jon in terms of speed, but the boy was faster than he had been at that age, and it was only a matter of time until Jaime's technique and power would be his only advantages against him. At first, Jon had reminded Jaime of Rhaegar, his ability to absorb the lessons and incorporate them into his form was startling.

But the more they sparred the more he saw Arthur in him, as good as Jaime was Arthur was a once in a generation swordsman and he felt, no he knew, that Jon would be one too. However, for now, he was still a young boy fighting against the greatest swordsman in Westeros and as they danced Jaime's strikes were having their effect.

"Your tiring Jon," Jaime said with a smirk.

"So are you, my lord," Jon replied.

"Ah, but I could go for a few more hours, don't think you could," Jaime said and was surprised to see the frown on Jon's face.

Usually, they snarked at each other during their spars, Jaime wanted Jon to be prepared for people trying to take him off balance with comments and digs, so between them, they would try to get a reaction out of one another. But here for some reason, Jon wasn't playing along and it bothered him greatly, he decided to end the spar and speak to him, this needed to be resolved.

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