3.8K 91 66

Winterfell 293 AC.


She had suffered through the indignity of having the boy and his beast in her home, watched on as he humiliated her son, Petyr's letters showing the truth of things and through it all Ned had done nothing. So she had sent her letter to Petyr asking for his help, he would not let her down and she was glad to have such a true friend as him to rely on. But things had gone from bad to worse and the bastard's influence over her husband and children needed to be curtailed.

When Ned had spoken to her first on the idea of fostering her children she had been both upset at the idea of them being away from her and excited at the potential of where they could go. Sansa and Robb would do well and perhaps make the matches she so wished for them. Robb in Highgarden being close to Lady Margaery could negate any influence the bastard or his friend would have with the Tyrell's, Sansa could go to Riverrun and she could learn from her father just like she had.

But then she had found out to her horror that it wasn't Ned's idea at all, it was the bastard's, he was the one sending her children away, all of them if he had his way.

"You wish to send Robb to White Harbor, why, why not Highgarden, surely it would be better for our son to foster with a great house?"

"Robb needs to learn more of the North, he needs to learn of trade and perhaps in time he and Lord Manderly's daughter can grow to like one another, a match in the future would be most beneficial."

"A match, you wish to marry Robb to a Manderly, he is the heir to the North, nothing but a daughter of a great house is good enough." she said loudly.

"And who did you have in mind Lady Margaery?" Ned said shaking his head

"Why not? it's a good match Ned, it'll benefit the north too." she said though she cared not about that.

"Robb will need to marry a northern bride Cat, my bannermen will accept nothing less."

She was stunned, he was selling off their son far too cheaply. Robb was worth more than a merman's daughter, Lady Wynafred was a sweet enough girl but she wasn't the rose of Highgarden, she wasn't what her son deserved. She did her best to calm down and asked about Sansa only to find that it was Highgarden she was to be sent to and she saw it clearly then, the bastard's hands were all over this.

"No we should send her to Riverrun, to my father."

"Cat there are no girls of her age in Riverrun, she'd be alone."

"Then the Vale to Lysa, there are girls there, Lord Royce has a daughter as does Lysa's steward."

"You think our Sansa would enjoy the Vale more than the Reach the home of chivalry and tourneys, no Cat it's to be Highgarden."

"Very well my lord." she said as she turned.

"When she's old enough Arya will go to Bear Island, Maege has agreed to foster her there."

"What? no I'll not have that, send her to the Vale. She needs to learn how to be a lady, not a bear like those women." she said her disgust clear in her voice.

"Those women are my families most leal support, Arya will learn to be a lady, a northern lady like my sister was." Ned said angrily and she bit her tongue knowing she couldn't speak aloud her true feelings about Ned's stupid sister.

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