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The feast was almost ready to begin, just the procession of the king and queen to come to get things started, Jon was sat beside some of the sons and daughters of the more important lords. There had almost been a fight between Jaime and Kevan when it was decided, but Jaime refused to back down, if Jon couldn't sit at the high table he'd sit in an equally important place and that was it. If the Tyrell's weren't sat at the high table Jon knew Jaime would have insisted he sat there and Jon couldn't help but admire Jaime for it.

He looked around the table, the two Tyrell boy's and their sister were sat opposite him, Lancel and the Redwyne boys sat at the end of the table which Jon was glad of, none of them being his favourite people. The two Royce boys sat together talking to two lads from the Stormlands that Jon didn't know the names of, there were a group of girls from the Riverlands who'd almost been put as far away from Jon as possible at Tully's request and he sighed, obviously it wasn't just Catelyn who hated him.

The doors opened and the procession began, the king and queen at the front both looking like they'd prefer to be elsewhere, Jaime accompanying Lady Olenna followed by Lord Mace and his wife, Lord Arryn walked alone slowly behind them while Tyrion walked with an uncomfortable very beautiful blond woman, a Hightower he thought, followed by Gerion and his sister Genna and lastly by Kevan and his wife Lady Dorna. They made their way to the high table and took their seats allowing all of those present to do the same.

"Finally, I thought they'd take forever," Garlan said with a smile.

"Grandmother looks happy." the younger Tyrell, Loras said.

"Well as happy as she ever is," he added before his sister gave him an admonishing glare.

"Lord Jaime was very gallant in accompanying her, don't you think so Jon?"," Margaery said a lob sided smile on her face.

Jon almost gulped when he realized he was being spoken to, he looked to Margaery and could see the amusement in her eyes, although he noticed it wasn't a mean or spiteful sort of amusement.

"Aye, Lord Jaime is very gallant, Lady Margaery."

"Just Margaery." the smile even warmer now.

"Of course, Just Margaery," Jon replied before they both broke out in laughter.

Garlan and Loras looked on in confusion as the two of them continued to laugh, before Margaery turned to them.

"A private joke, Marge?" Garlan asked.

"Not private, when we met Jon, I called him Lord Jon, he insisted he was just Jon although later when I met him again his young lady insisted he had a different name," she said and looked at Jon with her eyebrow raised.

"Yon," Jon said causing both of them to laugh once again.

Both Garlan and Loras turned to each other and then back to their sister and Lord Jaime's page neither understanding what the other found so funny.

"So where is young Joy tonight, did she not accompany you?" Margaery asked getting her laughter under control.

"No my lady, it's way past her bedtime and once she's heard her story she's out like a light."

"Are you the storyteller then?" Garlan interjected a small smirk on his face.

"Aye, my lord," Jon said sheepishly as he glanced at the still smiling Margaery.

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