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Traveling along the Kings Road was far easier than being off the beaten track, The Gift itself was amazing and so underused. Good land, fertile, there were more than enough trees to build homes and villages and the sheer amount of rivers, lakes and streams which littered the land made water a non issue. Yet the place was deserted, almost devoid of life, well people anyway, there was plenty of life to be had as Ghost had proved ever since they set off from Castle Black.

The white wolf was in his element out here, during the day he'd roam free far ahead of them, every so often Jon would use his time to warg into Ghost and each time it was the same, he'd find that door wide open and welcoming and inside he'd go. Seeing through the wolf's eyes was almost indescribable, he could see further, make things out more clearly and when added to the other senses, his own felt inadequate. Scents would rise and he found with practice he could differentiate between them, man, woman, horse, deer, rabbit, mouse, he could pinpoint each with ease.

Right now Ghost was stalking a deer which had no idea of the danger it was in so Jon broke off their connection, he had found that when Ghost ate and they were connected he too could taste the meal and he really hated the taste of blood.

"Where is he?" Jojen asked.

"He's a few miles ahead of us, he's caught a deer." Jon said.

"The connection with him is it still as easy?"

"Aye, with the others it takes a little while, with Ghost it's instant, its like he's waiting for me." Jon said smiling.

It didn't take them long to reach the evidence of Ghost's kill, the deer carcass had been stripped and laying to one side looking mightily pleased with himself was the not so white wolf, luckily they had passed a stream a mile or so back. Jon looked at the wolf who did not want to follow before he turned his horse to head to the stream, it took a moment for the reluctant wolf to move but he did and they set off.

"We shouldn't be long my lord." Jon said to Jaime as he pointed towards the stream and the wolf and Jaime nodded.

Loras rode up beside him and they and their guards set off, the ride to the stream taking them but a few moments, once they got there it took him a much longer amount of time to get the wolf to jump into the water itself. The area they were in was not far from where the Mormont's would split off from their party to head to Bear Island, something Jon wasn't looking forward to. Jaime had been happier than ever since they left Castle Black, he and Dacey closer and more free with their affections. Knowing that they were getting closer to saying goodbye to each other, even if it was temporary, had seen the moods change the last day or two.

It would be more than a moon before they saw each other again and Jon feared that Jaime's mood would change for the worst without Dacey around. Though given the next time they'd meet they'd be wed perhaps Jaime would bear it easier than Jon suspected. He was taken from his thoughts by the splashing of water and then Ghost jumping excitedly and then looked on in amazement at the large salmon Ghost had in his mouth.

"Really, a deer not enough for you?" he said to the wolf much to the amusement of Loras and the guards.

"It would seem not." Loras japed and they watched on as Ghost devoured the large fish.

Once done they hurried back to the others not wanting to fall too far behind. They caught up with them just in time it seemed as they had indeed reached the split off point. Riding up beside the others Jon and Loras dismounted and walked over to say their farewells for now to Dacey and her sisters and for a little while longer to Jorah and Lynesse.

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