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Leaving him had been hard, especially with where he was going and she felt some fear for him because of it. But she had no choice, she could feel the call as could Lygaron and so they both took flight and headed south. She knew these lands from flying over them with Jae and though they kept mainly to the coast so they could feed, it felt good to be flying over them once again.

The whale they found near the Arbor had fed them both and as they flew over Dorne she was glad of it. While there was food to be had in the deserts it was not plentiful and as much as Lygaron wished to fly where it was, Rhaenix couldn't risk it. Starfall and Sandstone, Hellholt, Vaith, Lemonswood, and finally Sunspear. Rhaenix had learned the keeps in Dorne when she was still a girl, when she was Rhaenys only and not as she was now.

Though the line between what she had once been and what she now was could be hard to determine at times. Even for herself, it became a question day by day, was she a girl, a dragon or both? Sometimes she felt more one than the other and some days she wasn't quite sure. What she knew was that she was a sister and Jae was her little brother, just as Lygaron was though she felt him differently than she did her other little brother.

"We're going the wrong way." Lygaron said when they passed by Sunspear and out onto the water.

"This is where we've to go." she said and could feel his frustration, Lygaron having felt the presence of his rider below them.

They found seals near the Stepstones and ate their fill before landing and taking their rest on an empty island, the high mountain opening into a valley below. She slept that night and waited for Jae to come and was thankful when he did, more so that it was her he came to and not her as the dragon. They found themselves strolling through Summerhall and as she looked around she felt it more keenly than ever.

"We almost lost father here, had he fallen then we'd never have been born." she said sadly.

"We were meant to be Rhae, I was shown that I was always to be born and we're bonded are we not?" Jae said making her smile.

"We are." she said as they sat down and looked up at the stars.

The harp played in the background, a haunting melody, and she for the briefest moment saw him sitting there, though when Jae turned he was gone. That he heard it was enough for her though and that they'd shared it together, sometimes it would be only her and she liked these times far better.

"You heard?" she asked and he nodded.

"I heard. Father used to come here alone and play under these very stars." Jae said and Rhaenys snuggled close to him and felt her brother's arm wrap around her shoulder.

When she woke it was to her other little brother and he was being his usual annoying self. Lygaron was hungry once more and eager to both feed and to be on his way, while Rhaenix wished to wake up first and shake the previous night from her thoughts. Taking to the skies she looked down to see the ships and their crews, pirates, and worse roamed theses shores and for a moment she felt like giving them the fire, but they were not why they were here and so they flew on.

They ate more seals and she laughed as Lygaron complained of their taste, and then they headed south as she felt the call grow stronger. They flew high over Lys and she wondered what they looked like to those below, hearing Lygaron snort when she pictured them being seen as nothing more than birds. When they saw the Fourteen Flames she felt it deep in her heart, home this was home.

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