3.5K 111 14

The tower of Joy 283 AC.


He stood beside the bed looking at the girl who lay there, her strength, her will all had left her over the last few weeks, nothing he could say to her had made a difference, nothing had made her feel better. Not even the thoughts of the babe inside her had given her comfort once word had come from the capital. She had recovered as well as she could from what happened at the trident as had he, but the news from the capital had rocked her to her core.

"How could they Arthur, the children, how could they do that to the babe, to Rhaenys, to Elia, they're monster's Arthur monsters." she had cried and he couldn't help but agree.

She opened her eyes and smiled a weak smile at him, it was nearly time, Wylla had already brought in the pails of water and he had helped cut the cloth, the child would be here soon though even the joy of that news brought a tear to his eye if he were to think of it. It was unspoken between them but they both knew barring a miracle Lyanna would not survive the birth, her only wish was to see her son and that he would stay safe. She looked up at him her fierceness still clear in her eyes if not in her body any more.

"If he comes Arthur promise me you won't kill him, please I need you to swear it to me."

"Lya the babe, I must protect the babe."

"He'd never hurt the babe Arthur, he's my brother, he and Benjen and the babe they're all that remains, promise me I beg of you, promise me."

"I promise if I'm able Lya."

"Your word Arthur, give me your word."

"You have it my queen."

He left the room when he heard the horses, making his way down the stairs he joined with his brothers looking on as the seven horsemen made their way towards them. he nodded to Gerold and Oswell all of them ready to do their duty. For this time, perhaps the last time they would stand together once more, there were no words spoken, none could be found to fully show what they'd meant to each other. Instead they readied themselves for the fight to come.

Arthur looked out as the horses grew near, he could make out Stark leading the charge, a young man he couldn't recognize beside him. When he saw the small crannnogman he sighed, the man had been a friend to Lya and he had not wished to face him here. he closed his eyes should it come to it he'd kill him but perhaps there was another way. He watched the men dismount and Ned Stark moved forward sword drawn and began to speak.

"I looked for you on the Trident."

"We were not there " Gerold replied.

"Woe to the usurper if we had been." Oswell added.

"When Kings Landing fell, Ser Jaime slew your king with a golden sword, I wondered where you'd been."

"Far away, " Gerold said "Or Aerys would yet sit the Iron Throne and our false brother would burn in seven hells."

"I came down on Storm's End to lift the siege and the Lord's Tyrell and Redwyne dipped their banners and all their knights bent the knee to pledge us fealty. I was certain you'd be among them."

"Our knees do not bend so easily." Arthur said looking Ned in the eye.

"Ser Willem Darry is fled to Dragonstone, with your queen and Prince Viserys. I thought you might have sailed with him."

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