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The God's Eye 298 AC.

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

He looked into the glass candles and saw nothing for some time before the images began to appear. Around him, his Kingsguard and Jaime watched on and while they saw it, he could feel it. The hatred, the disgust, Doran Martell thought him a disgrace, a dishonor to his house and his sister. Jae could fell his glee as he made his deal with the Darkstar, his eagerness as he so casually spoke about the potential death of his wife.

To Doran, Margaery was nothing, less than nothing. He felt no emotion from the man as he asked the Darkstar to kill her. That he then felt nothing about going back on his agreement with Ser Gerold wasn't a surprise, the prince was a snake, a true one. He needed to see more, to find out what else the man was planning. He would put an end to each and every one of his plots and schemes and then to the man himself. Jae could feel his anger rise, his temper on the verge of making him explode.

The images changed over and over again, showing him meaningless conversations as he realized he had lost focus. He'd let his anger cloud his mind and for this, he needed to be calm. When he saw her, he almost cried, this woman who had called him her son and been taken from him like so much of his family. Elia and his father liked each other, but there was no love there, he could feel that clearly now. When he'd seen her before he'd not understood, not felt it himself fully. Now though he knew what love felt like, how his father's heart beat that much faster when his mother was around, just as his own did when he was with Margaery.

"My brother is the true snake you should fear Rhaegar."

As he heard Elia speak of Doran it was with concern for his father in her voice, concern but not worry, not panic. That was the difference, he knew that now. When you loved someone, thought them in danger, or feared you may lose them, you panicked. Your worries intensified and your smallest fears became so much larger when the person you loved was involved. Elia warned his father about Doran but that fear and panic wasn't there in her voice.

He watched as the images changed again, Elia was now laying on a bed with a young man, a smile on her face as he stroked her hair and she, his chest. Both of them were fully clothed and it was innocent enough, but he felt it then, the love, the increased beatings of both their hearts. They were so young and for Jae, it reminded him so much of himself and Margaery that he feared he may lose the image. Trying to put Margaery out of his mind he concentrated as hard as he could to keep the other image in front of him.

"You would not die for me?" Elia asked with a smile.

Jae smiled as he listened to them, watched them, felt them. He knew now who this man was as he heard them speak, a man he'd read about but knew nothing of. This was the love she'd lost, the future she had wished for, and that had been denied to her. Even after that loss, she would not deny his father the same chance for happiness. Oberyn had said Elia was too good for this world and even had he not agreed at the time, seeing her now, feeling what she felt, it was clear that she had been.

The images changed once more, the same man sitting this time with Doran, and Jae felt it once more. Contempt, disgust, hatred, Doran felt for this man how he felt for Jae, he was an obstacle, something to be removed from the board and nothing more. Had this been a Greendream then Jae would have shouted at the man not to drink the offered wine. Alas it was not and shouting in a tent full of people at a candle would not only be pointless, but it may raise questions that his actions may have raised enough today.

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