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The horse was magnificent Jon thought as he looked at it, it's colouring was a black so dark that he was certain it would be impossible for anyone to see the horse when night fell. Jon had been sparring when he received the news that the king's gift had arrived for him, he had completely forgotten that the king had rewarded him for winning the duels and now as he stood looking at the horse he found himself very grateful that the king had not.

"She's a fine mare is she not." the man said as Jon turned to look at him.

"Aye, that she is, I thank you for bringing her," Jon said as he handed the man a gold dragon.

"No need to lad, my lord sent me and we're well paid."

"Well have a drink on me then, surely your lord won't mind," Jon said as the man took the coin and nodded his thanks.

The men had been sent from Highgarden, the horse having been bred by Willas Tyrell and as Jon noticed the colours and sigils some of the men wore, it made him think of his friends. He had spent most of his time with Joy since the tourney especially with her father away, but since Gerion's return and despite the increase in his lessons, he had found himself missing the times he'd spent with Margaery and her brothers.

As the men left though Jon put these thoughts to one side and began to pay more attention to the horse in front of him, he could feel an instant connection with the courser, she was young perhaps only a couple of name days old and she felt inexperienced but Jon could sense her eagerness for a rider and he too was eager to put her through her paces. Unfortunately, however, that would not be today as he instead was to accompany Joy to her first lessons with her tutor.

He led the horse away to the stables, he intended to ride her tomorrow no matter what and he needed to have a new saddle and reins made for her specifically, he had the coin after all. As he walked he could feel a tingling in the back of his mind, almost like a presence trying to make itself known, it had been something he had felt on occasion but this felt different somehow, more intense. He looked to the mare and she looked to be staring intently at him before she turned her head and the feeling dissipated.

"Now that's a fine-looking animal." Harlow the stable master said as he walked over to Jon.

"Aye, she is," Jon replied his hand stroking the mare's head gently.

"Does she have a name lad?"

Jon thought for a second and looked at the mare again, names flew through his mind so quickly that he barely had the chance to even register them before finally, a word kept repeating itself over and over.

"Winter, her name is Winter," Jon said and the mare neighed in response.

After the horse was settled Jon made his way to Joy's room to take her to her first lesson, it was just simple stuff, more to give the girl something to do than to actually teach her anything yet, but Jon knew she'd be nervous so he'd volunteered to sit with her the first time.

"Yon." Joy said excitedly as he entered her room.

"Hello, Joy, ready for your lessons," Jon said as the little girl looked at him confusedly.

"No ssessons, Yon, yenture."

"Lessons first, then we'll go on an adventure, we'll go see the birdies, you wanna see the birdies Joy."

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