4.9K 99 6

Casterly Rock 294 AC.


She was teasing him relentlessly as he picked out his clothes, it was non stop and while it was humorous and done in fun, he was on the verge of losing it when she landed on his shirt. He looked at her, the equivalent of a dragon's grin on her face and then she cocked her head coughed.

"Rhae are you ill?"

"Jae, I, something, I feel something." Rhaenix said before coughing again.

"I'll get someone, I.. Rhae?" he said confused.

"No Jae, you I need you, I think I'm ready."


"For fire Jae, I think I'm ready to breathe fire." she said and he looked at her in awe, it was too soon, she should take another couple of moons based on what Tyrion had told him.

"Dracarys." he said and then had to move quickly as his shirt was enveloped in flames.

He grabbed the jug that was filled with water he kept on his table and emptied it over the burning shirt, looking at it and the chair he'd left it on there was nothing left of it and the chair's top had almost been burned away. He walked over to her and lifted her in his arms, feeling her shaking a little, he could see the worry in her face and wondered why she felt that way.


"I'm sorry Jae, I couldn't control it." she said sadly.

"You will though, Rhae this is amazing, you shouldn't be able to do this yet and certainly not a flame that big. We'll practice and you can cook your own food now too." he said happily and thankfully she relaxed.

"I never liked that shirt anyway, you should wear your red one." she said then with both a serious and half joking tone.

"As my sisters commands." he said with a mock bow.

"You brother are an idiot." she said as she flew to her chest.

Jon in the end took her advice and wore the red shirt, as he looked in the looking glass he knew he could pass both for someone paying homage to the Lannisters with black and crimson or for what he was, a dragon. He walked down to Joy's room to read her story a little earlier than usual, as he'd be at the dinner with Margaery and her family for most of the night.

He found her already in bed and he thanked Alessia for doing as he asked, sitting down by the bed he found he wanted to tell her a story of dragons. But instead told her a far happier version of the story of Aerea where the princess got her wish to travel back to the home she loved so much. As he left the room he found himself contemplating the fate they'd subjected the girl to, hiding her away when all she wanted was to be free. He walked to Sansa's room to find her already dressed, the two wolf pups looking on as she sang a little song while checking her hair.

"Really singing, can't you see what you're doing to the wolves little sister?" Jon said as she stood up and hit him softly on the chest.

"Fang loves my singing, don't you girl." she said leaning down to rub her wolf's back.

"Did you get the extra food and water?" he asked and she nodded pointing to the corner where the wolves meals were lined out.

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