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Casterly Rock 296 AC.

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

Domeric and Beric arrived within days of each other and because of that he and Jaime almost had to force Tyrion to leave. Both of them telling him that they would deal with this and that there was nothing for him to do here, certainly nothing as important as what he was going to. So reluctantly his uncle agreed and after he and Jae spent the night with the dragons, Tyrion arranged to leave in a day or so.

Beric didn't come alone and when Thoros saw not only Melisandre but the two members of the Fiery Hand he was stunned. Jae quickly arranging for Melisandre to speak to her fellow red priest. The last of Beric's immediate circle was his squire and Jae cursed himself for forgetting that Edric Dayne was squiring for his future gooduncle.

With Cregan and Ashara still at Castamere they were spared some awkward conversations for now, but they would be arriving back at the Rock before Ned left, and while Jae longed to see Joy, he wondered how to handle this. Arthur felt that his nephew could be trusted to keep it to himself, and saying that it was Beric they needed to bring onside anyway. Something he was trying his best to do now as he and the Lord sparred while the others looked on.

"You've gotten better my lord." he said as he dodged a quick thrust.

"I've need to, I still owe you for my defeat, Jon." Beric said smiling as he parried one of Jon's blows.

"So that's why you came, hoping to gain your revenge my lord." he said with a smirk.

"Seeking it Jon, not hoping." Beric said as he aimed two quick blows at him.

While a part of him wondered if losing would endear him to Beric or annoy the lord, the completive spirit he had and his friends looking on didn't allow that. So he began to pick up the pace and saw Beric begin to falter, with a riposte as quick as the bolt of lightning on Beric's sigil, Jae disarmed the lord and a moment later accepted his yield, Beric smiling broadly as he did so.

"I thank you, Jon, for not holding back. Lord Jaime's training has paid off but I'm not sure he could have ever wished for a better student." Beric said as they drank some water.

"I thank you, my lord, perhaps later we can speak on trade?" he asked and Beric nodded.

"Indeed, now go easy on young Ned, give him some pointers Jon, he can only benefit from your instruction." Beric said as he took a seat.

"Ned, you wish to spar?" he shouted to the young lad who nodded eagerly.

Ned was actually more skilled than Beric and while Jae didn't put in as much effort as he did with the Lightning Lord, he was forced to put in some effort. Winning wasn't his goal though and so halfway through he stopped much to Ned's chagrin, only for the boy to quickly smile when Jae started giving him pointers. He corrected little parts of his stance, showed him how to work more on his footwork, and told him to begin using a heavier sword for practice against the dummies.

"Why Jon?" Ned asked when Jae ruffled his hair as they stood in front of a dummy, Jae showing him where and how to strike.

"You see my sword." he said pointing to his thin sparring sword.

"Aye, it's so thin." Ned said and then blushed when Jae nodded back, the boy's natural shyness something he would need to work on.

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