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Ned felt frustrated, it had been almost a year since Jaime Lannister had taken Jon away and while he'd received a couple of ravens, the news had been sparse, he barely got the most basic of details.


I am well, the rock is an amazing place,

The people are treating me well and my training is coming along.

Jaime has me sparring with the older boys and I'm holding my own.

How is everyone?

Is Robb still keeping up his training?

Has Arya started to speak yet?

Does Sansa still like ribbons?

I miss them all so much, you too father,


your son.



I received your raven, It gladdens me to hear that you are all well,

I'm doing fine, I've started my lessons with Maester Creylen, they're really insistent he's teaching me languages like high Valyrian and teaching me about all about the southern houses.,

My other training has come along really well, I'm even learning to play the harp,

Tyrion and I have paid a number of visits to Lannisport and he's shown me how the city trades with others.

I hope everyone is well there, please give my love to Robb, Sansa, Arya and baby Bran.


your son,


Ned didn't know how to feel reading the letters, it was good of course that Jon was learning things and it seemed he was thriving now he left Winterfell, but the things he was learning concerned him, trade, high Valyrian, southern politics and the damn harp, just what the hell was Lannister playing at.

"Ned." his wife's voice called as she entered the solar.

"Ah, you are here."

"hmmm, oh sorry Cat, is there something wrong?."

"No, it's just Robb was about to take his archery lessons and I know you like to watch."

"Oh sorry, I was lost there for a minute, why don't I put these away and we can go together."

Ned noticed the grimace on his wife's face when she saw what he'd been reading, she pursed her lips as if to say something but then obviously thought better of it, no doubt she'd been ready to make some complaint about Jon, even though he was no longer here it still didn't seem to be enough for her, out of sight out of mind was not in Cat's vocabulary, he sighed as he placed the letters away.

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