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Casterly Rock 295 AC.


He was happy to be back, his room, his view, in the years he had stayed at Casterly Rock the place had become his home. He, Jon, and Joy were family, Cregan, Brienne the friends he had always wanted, and Satin, Satin was, Satin Was. He wasn't sure what Satin was to him, a friend yes, at first he had thought him to be like Jon, someone that he'd be that close to.

Over time though he had begun to notice the differences, how he looked at Satin was not how he looked at Jon, how he behaved around him was not the same. It scared him, terrified him at times, and at others he found himself overwhelmed by it, by feelings he wasn't sure he fully trusted. While in Highgarden as much as he had enjoyed it there, happy though he was to be with his family and to compete in a tourney, he was sad also.

It had taken him coming back to the West to realize what it was that he was sad about, what it was he missed most about the Rock. Had he been more intuitive he'd have realized it sooner, Jon, Joy, Cregan, Brienne they were all with him, his true family and the one he'd made for himself were all there. Satin was not and it was he that Loras missed every day he was in Highgarden.

"Are we going riding today?" he heard Joy ask Jon seeing his friend shake his head.

"Not today, Cregan can take you if you really want and you and I can go on the in a day or two." Jon said and he saw Joy nod before she moved over to work her charms on Cregan. He was soon laughing, as the boy like Jon usually did folded and allowed Joy to get her way.

"What are your plans?" Satin asked and Loras looked at him feeling that nervousness he was feeling all too much around him lately.

"Nothing really, I had intended to spar, and we have our lessons." Loras said only for Jon to interrupt.

"Actually I was hoping to speak to you Satin, you too Brienne." Jon said and when Loras looked into his friend's face he knew what was about to be told to them. He saw Jon give him a nod and a small smile which he returned.

"There goes my plans to do nothing." Satin said to laughs around the table.

Satin's duties had increased a lot while he'd been gone, now with Tyrion, the boy spent hours working as his squire, far more than he did as Jaime's though he too was doing more as he was his only one now. Jon being a knight was not able to do his usual duties anymore and was technically acting as Jaime's guard, though he knew if anything it was the other way around. He had been furious when Jon came to him after being knighted, his friend apologizing both for the knighthood itself and for leaving them alone on the field.

"I should have been there with you, I'm sorry." Jon said.

"It was a fight, a tourney Jon, we got outnumbered aye, but this is why we fight in them. We live and learn and fight another day." Loras said the words were Arthur's though and not his own.

"I know but had I been with you, had I been close.". Jon said his voice full of regret and self-recrimination.

"I'm supposed to take care of you, not the other way around." he said angrily.


"If I wish to be a Kingsguard one day and I do, then I'm supposed to take care of you, you're the king Jon, you shouldn't be worrying about us, not at the risk to yourself.".

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