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Highgarden 295 AC.


He was actually nervous as he sat on the bed facing her, he'd spent moons looking forward to this exact moment and thinking of what he'd say when he got here and now he was too nervous to speak. In the end, he felt the need, to begin with what turned out to be exactly the wrong thing, an apology.

"I'm sorry that the letter didn't arrive on time, I never meant to worry you, I hope you know that." he said as he looked into her eyes.

"Letter?" she asked confused.

"Aye, the letter explaining the mummery."

"Mummery, what mummery, Jon what are you talking about?" Margaery asked.

"The assassin, the mummery in Lannisport, I sent a letter explaining it, but something happened, the man's horse had an accident and so it arrived late."

He saw the change come over her then almost instantaneously, first it was anger, then hurt, and then anger again, unfortunately, it was that which Margaery led with.

"You performed a mummery, you faked an attack, have you any idea of how Sansa felt, of how I felt, I thought you dead Jon, I cried for you, had it not been for Fang, I'd have..I'd have."

"Margaery, I'm sorry, it was a mistake, an accident, had the rider arrived in time, had the letter gotten to you, I'm sorry."

"Sorry, do I really mean so little to you? Do you care so little about my feelings that you'd put me through so much worry, that you'd hurt me so?"

"Margaery please." he said his voice panicked as she got up from the bed.

"My heart was breaking Jon, I thought you gone from me and now I find out it was a mummery, an act, what am I to think? How am I know what's in my heart, what's in yours, when you would hurt me so?"

He realized now just how badly he'd messed up, just how much he'd hurt her, he'd tried and though Fang he had fixed it somewhat, but he'd hurt her badly and it made him feel terrible.

"You are all that's in my heart Margaery, you have been for as long as I can remember, ever since you left, you've been there, every day when I look at your favor I feel you there with me." he said touching the ribbon tied to his belt "When I look at the drawings I've done of you and when I close my eyes, you're who I see, you're all I see."


"One day I'll be sitting on a throne, people will look to me and call me king, do you wish to know what I'll be looking at?" he said as he moved to her and took her hand in his.

"Aye." she said softly.

"My queen, you."

He heard the gasp, saw the tears in her eyes and then the smile as she looked at him, he reached out and wiped her eyes, his hand touching her cheek softly as he brushed them away.

"You are who I wish to be beside me, you are who I wish to be my queen, now and forever."

"Jon I.."

"Will you, will you be my queen?"

"Yes, yes, I will, of course I will."

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