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Jon followed Jaime and Lord Reed from the hall, Ghost walking alongside him, his wolf was acting strangely, almost as if he was nervous, though considering Jon was too perhaps it wasn't a surprise. Ahead of him Jaime tried to get Lord Reed to give them a clue where they were going and why, but the diminutive crannogman was giving nothing away.

They walked from the New Castle itself, down into the city streets, Ghost beside him drawing stares though for some reason the wolf was on his best behavior. He could see Jaime getting more and more agitated by Lord Reed's reluctance to explain where they were going. Moving forward Jon touched him on the back and when Jaime looked at him Jon nodded and smiled, calming him down for now.

Eventually after walking for some time he saw it in the distance and realized exactly where they were being led, the black stone and crumbling walls were a sharp contrast to the white washed buildings nearby. Ahead of them was a gate and two guards stood sentry, both carrying tridents that were taller than they were, Jon looked on as Lord Reed walked forward the two guards were not looking eager to allow them access, it took a while before they finally gave in.

"Follow me." Lord Reed said, his first words to him since he'd come to them while they were breaking their fast.

"What's this about?" Jaime asked his annoyance clear.

"All in good time my lord, there's a place inside where we can speak freely."

Jaime shook his head but both he and Jon followed the lord into the Wolfs' Den itself, Jon was in awe as he looked around, for centuries this fortress had held the White Knife from raiders. Though just like Moat Cailin it had fallen into disrepair it was still clear just how impressive this would have looked at one time. As they walked inside a man came towards them with some more guards. The man had one leg and one eye and leaned on a crutch to walk and yet Jon could see there was a strength to him, Lord Reed stopped before him and smiled.

"Ser Bartimus, it's good to see you old friend."

"Aye you too Howland, but what brings you here." the man said gruffly though not without a hint of fondness.

"I wish to pray in the Godswood, my companions too."

"Very well I'll see you're not disturbed, you know the way, I'd escort you but I don't get around as well as I once did." Bartimus said with a hollow laugh.

"None of us do anymore Bartimus." Howland replied.

Ser Bartimus turned and walked away and Howland led them onward, eventually they came to the Godswood, the Weirwood at the center was huge so big that it's branches passed through the nearby windows. The face carved into the tree leaked it's red sap, it's eyes crying almost as if it looked upon them with great sadness. Jon watched as Howland knelt before it and began speaking so softly that the words could not be made out, after a few moments he stood up and looked at them.

"Jon you know what they say of an oath spoken in front of the heart tree?"

"Aye my lord, that to break such an oath is to risk the wrath of the gods."

"Aye and what do they say about lying in front of one Jon?"

"That it cannot be done, that the gods will know if you don't speak the truth." Jon said and Howland nodded.

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