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King's Landing 297 AC.

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

Fear wasn't something he was used to, sure he'd been scared at times but never had he felt fear like he did when he saw that sword in the air. Knowing he'd not make it or that Ghost wouldn't make it had almost brought him to his knees, only for the fire to rise up inside him. The warging was instant and before he knew it he was looking down at Margeary's face, her fear matching his own.

Stopping the sword took everything he had and even feeling the man's pain as Ghost bit into his arm wasn't enough to force him out of him, only the sound of the sword falling did that. As he held her and told her that he was there, he turned her away so she didn't have to look at the man on the ground. For him, though there was another reason other than to protect her from the view, he wanted to see the man die. Ghost biting into his neck and the blood squirting from it made an even more gruesome sight next to the severed arm.

When Jaime, Arthur, and the others arrived, Jae began to move with Margaery only for the Gold Cloaks to arrive at the same time. He watched as they looked from him to Ghost, from Margaery to the bodies on the ground and he prayed they'd not try to stop him from leaving. Unfortunately, he was not so lucky and despite the fact that he was more concerned about his wife, he felt his anger rise as the Gold Cloak stepped forward.

"You need to explain this, you both have to come with us." the man said looking to him and Jae felt Margaery lean even more into him.

"You do not want to interfere with me." Jae said his mouth tight and his eyes full of anger as he glared a the man.

"I need you to come with me." the Gold Cloak said reaching out his hand to stop him.

"Get away from me, now." Jae said as he moved past him and whether it was the tone he used it or the fact that Ghost, whose mouth was covered in blood, was snarling at the man, Jae watched as he moved away.

Behind him he heard Jaime speak to the leader of the group of Gold Cloaks and so he, Margaery, Arthur, and Walder all moved down the street, Ghost walking alongside him for added protection. All the way back to the Manse Margaery stayed silent, her head tucked in close to his chest as his arms never left her. Upon reaching the Tyrell Manse he saw the guards come rushing back, both of them quickly stopping when he looked at them.

"Daemon, find out what happened from them." he said and Arthur nodded as he walked through the gate.

"Sam." Margaery said softly beside him.

"What's that my love?" he said as she looked to him.

"He killed Sam." she said and Jae just held her tightly before they moved to the door.

"I'm so sorry Marge." he said as he saw Willas come towards him, the cane hitting the ground rapidly as he moved far too fast for a man with a limp.

"What happened, Marge, Jon, what happened?" Willas asked worriedly.

"I think you should find your grandmother and your mother, she's unharmed Willas, but there was an attack, find them and we'll speak." he said and Willas nodded.

He led her to her room and called for the servants to fetch some water so he could clean the blood from Ghost's fur, knowing how the wolf must look to those around them. Once inside the room he felt her throw both arms around him and she began to cry in earnest, Jae standing there and letting her sob against his chest. Lifting her into his arms he carried her to her bed and lay her down, Margaery turning from him and facing the wall.

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