4.1K 109 13

(the following chapters are not chronological).

The Westerlands 294 Ac.


Riding to Casterly Rock had become a chore, not the journey itself, but the knowledge that once there he would spend only a little time with Joy before once again setting off for Castamere. The castle had come along really well, it would be another year though until he felt comfortable for Joy to live there, but he was no longer sure if that was for the best. Something which had prayed on his mind more and more as he was torn between his own selfish desires to be with his daughter and what was best for Joy herself.

As much as he wished his daughter to be with him, Castamere wasn't where she should be brought up, in time the town he was building, the surrounding lands would be suitable for his girl. But for now she needed to be with family, to enjoy everything she could about those happy days at the Rock. As he reached the castle he cleared his head and instead looked forward to spending a few days with her, even if it meant being near that demon cat of hers.

"Milord welcome back." the stable lad said as he took his horse.

"Aye, it's good to be back, look after her for me will ya lad?" he said handing the boy a few coppers.

"I will, thanks milord."

He walked to the lift and took it up to the family wing, the ride had been it's usual uncomfortable self and he longed for a hot bath. Though he intended see Joy first as once she knew he was in the rock he'd not get a moments peace until he did so. Arriving at the family floor he stepped out and wondered where she'd be, looking around for some servant to ask he saw his sister walking quickly towards him.

"And not a moment too soon," she said to him as she arrived.

"What's going on sister?"

"Have you not heard of your nephew's folly?"

"What's Tyrion done now?" he said with a chuckle.

"Not Tyrion, Jaime, he's only gone and gotten married." Genna said her voice full of frustration.

Talk about being caught by surprise, he couldn't even begin to think what his face looked like, but he could tell he was standing there open mouthed, Jaime married, wait, what was the problem, isn't that what Genna wanted?.

"That's a good thing no?"

"Aye it is, though the damn fool has done it in front of a tree, we'll need to throw him a proper wedding, invite everyone who's important." she said shaking her head.

"Tree?" he asked focusing on the one thing that made no sense to him.

"Did you even read my ravens?" she said looking at him angrily.

"I've been busy you know." he said defensively.

"By the seven give me patience. Jaime has married Lady Dacey Mormont in a ceremony in front of the old gods of those damn northerners at Winterfell of all places."

Now he wished he had paid more attention to those ravens, Jaime marrying a northern lady, oh this would no doubt be doing the rounds of the seven kingdoms very soon and it would send shock waves through certain quarters. Gods know how Cersei would react, oh to be a fly on that wall, though perhaps not even the walls may not be safe from his nieces fury. As he was trying to deal with this he heard the little voice and whatever hope his sister had of getting him to speak to her was lost.

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