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He woke up with sweat running down his back, he could taste the iron in his mouth which meant that Ghost had fed, which in turn meant his dream was real and that Ghost could be in trouble. So he grabbed the egg and placed it back in it's hiding place, he dressed quickly and picking up his sword he ran out the door. As he raced through the corridors he saw that people were already up and about meaning he had slept later than usual. Not that it bothered him but it made him have to dodge far more people than he would have liked.

"Jon where are you going?" he heard Arya's voice as he ran past her.

"I need to go little wolf, Ghost needs me." he shouted back not turning as she ran after him.

He ran from the keep across the courtyard and towards the stables, he didn't even bother to saddle Winter just quickly attached her reins and led her out before jumping on her back. In the distance he saw Jaime and Loras running towards him, Arya with them and he smiled that she'd worried about him. But he was still far more worried about Ghost and so he closed his eyes and Winter began to run, passing a clearly annoyed Loras and a disturbed Jaime he shouted at them.

"Ghost, the Wolfswood, follow." he shouted as he left through the South Gate.

Winter was soon in full flow and Jon let her guide him, he pictured where Ghost was, what the surroundings where like and he hoped she got the message, he felt the wind in his hair blowing it behind him. Whatever remnants of sleep he had still been suffering from were soon forgotten as they entered the Wolfswood. He felt branches brush against his chest and sides, some even scratched his face and yet he never let up, never slowed down, one thought, one sense prevalent in his mind, I must get to him.

How long he rode he didn't know, but Winter never faltered and eventually he came to a small stream and saw the white fur as his wolf drank the cool water. He jumped from his mare and led her to the water, allowing her to quench her own thirst before he walked over to Ghost and reached out his hand only to hear a growl from behind him. Turning he saw a grey wolf, even larger than Ghost though clearly it had not been feeding well, he looked into it's eyes and reached out his mind, seeing the door he knocked.

The wolf didn't exactly let him in nor did she push him way, instead it was almost as if she made a compromise with him, she'd listen and follow, but he was not her alpha and never would be. He reached out and touched her and rubbing her on her neck he felt her relax, he looked around and saw the stags carcass and noticed there was still meat on the bones. Walking over he cut some off with his knife and fed the wolf and she ate greedily, before Ghost came over and licked his hand.

"Jon, are you there?" he heard a voice call out.

"Jon." it said louder." and the wolf growled, he leaned forward and looked into her eyes and she calmed somewhat.

"Over here, come slowly." Jon said looking at the wolf and nodding.

Pretty soon he was joined by Jaime, Loras, Jors, Alyrs and surprisingly enough his uncle, none of whom looked happy. He sighed at the sight of his uncle, he had yet to tell him of his abilities as a warg and so how he'd explain why he raced from Winterfell just got a lot harder.

"Are you all right Jon?" Loras asked and Jon smiled at his friend.

"Aye I'm fine."

"Jon your face, your lip?" Loras said reaching out to touch the cut on his lip.

"It's nothing Loras, really." he said and Loras nodded.

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