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King's Landing 297 AC.


They had arrived to very little fanfare and Jaime found himself laughing about it, Jon Arryn didn't meet them and instead, it was left to Stannis to welcome them to King's Landing. Which had led to perhaps the most uncomfortable welcome any of them could ever imagine. Kevan and Genna were annoyed by the snub and Stannis was so far out of his depth with niceties that they were on their horses and in their carriages in moments.

Arriving at the Manse Jon went straight to his room and when he went to speak to him, he told him what he was going to be doing. He had asked if he should stay only for Jon to tell him it was for the best if he got a night's sleep, that he had no idea how long this would last and he'd call him if he was needed. While he didn't wish to leave him alone he found that it was something that Jon needed to do on his own. Though the next morning when he found out what Jon had actually done, he had been incredibly annoyed.

"You should have sent for me." he said to Jon who looked at him and nodded.

"Aye probably, but there was nothing you could do my lord, this had to be me. I needed to do it, ask Arthur, Walder, I couldn't even say what it was I wished to do." Jon said.

"All the more reason to send for me Jon, I should have been there for you.".

"You are, you always are, this was...I needed this and I don't think I'd have been ready to listen to anyone.".

"Why the stag?" he asked realizing he wasn't getting anywhere with the other part of his talk.

"I'm going to take everything from him, his throne, his children, everything." Jon said.

"His children?".

"His bastards." Jon said and for a moment he looked at him worriedly but he knew that Jon would never do that.

"I don't understand?".

"I know of two, there are more but Mya Stone is in the Vale, and Edric Storm is in Storms End. I may not be able to get to them but there are bound to be others here in King's Landing. I'm going to take them and give them the life he didn't, a better life, a good life, he's just not going to know that." he said and Jaime shook his head.

"What did you see Jon?" he asked concernedly.

"The truth, what he did, what he knew, what he felt, I saw it all. Death is too good for him and so his life is the last thing that I'll take from him.".


"No, remember Creylen, what I said to him, what I said before you took his life?".

"Aye, I remember.".

"Robert took everything from me, his jealousy couldn't allow him to accept that my mother loved another. So before he dies he's going to think I've taken everything from him.". Jon said as he walked away, Walder and Jors following after him.

He wished to call a meeting to have all of them discuss things but instead he just asked Arthur to join him in his solar. Soon finding out that his brother too felt as he did and was worried about Jon taking this too far, though not for the same reasons he was, it turned out.

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