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Kings Landing 294 AC.

Richard Lonmouth.

The note from his king had been clear and as Richard waited in the tavern he wondered if this was a good idea or not. He had been happy to hear the king had become concerned with his family, the visit to see his grand uncle at the wall had obviously meant a lot to him and that he was now doing something to help his aunt and uncle was a good thing. But was this man really the right man to send? Surely they could think of someone better suited?.

He had thought of many different people he could send, the problem was that to do so would invite further problems, would they be able to protect them? Could they really be trusted? Though he also wondered that about the man they were sending anyway. The king though had been adamant that this was the right man for the job, so despite his own concerns and not without a little pride that the king was making such decisions, Richard had contacted the man and arranged for this meeting.

As he considered the rest of his plans he saw the man enter, he looked on as Alyce led the man to his table nodding to the girl as she quickly moved away before returning with a tankard full of ale which she placed on the table in front of his guest.

"Anything else?" she asked softly.

"No Alyce, that'll be all for now." he answered and the girl went back to her place near the bar.

Alyce was one of his, he needed eyes and ears inside the establishment and when he had suggested it with Tyrion he had been surprised the man accepted so readily. But then again he got the impression the dwarf liked the game and considered this a move in it, one which he could counteract, so Alyce was hired but kept at a distance from the rest of the staff. Not that it mattered, it wasn't them she was there to look at and she had already told him of the room upstairs having a hidden passage behind it.

"What did you bring me here for?" the hound asked.

"I have a proposition for you?"

"If you want your cock sucked ask Blondie over there." the hound said gruffly.

"No this is more a job I'd like to offer you, a well paying job."

"How well paying?"

"You'll be given ten thousand gold dragons up front and another one hundred thousand when it's completed, you'll also have access to another ten thousand to cover expenses." Richard said.

"You want someone killed hire a fucking assassin." the hound said emptying his tankard.

"You've killed men before." Richard said.

"Aye and I'll kill again, but I don't do it for coin."

"I don't want you to kill anyone, well not unless you have to. It's the opposite actually, I want you to protect someone."

"You look like you can protect yourself just fine, but if we're to talk more you better get Blondie to bring me more ale."

Richard smiled and nodded to Alyce to bring over another round of drinks, he'd been surprised that the hound had qualms about killing, he had assumed once he'd mentioned the coin that would have been enough. Perhaps the man had more morality than he thought, if so then the king had been right and this could very well be the right man for the job.

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