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Highgarden 295 AC.


She hated this place and had done since she had arrived, the roses were far too sure of themselves and far too disrespectful. They should have been on their knees thanking her in gratitude that she had convinced her precious boy to even spend time with their less than golden rose. Instead, they like so many others looked down upon her, upon Joffrey and she once again cursed her father for leaving her alone in this world.

She knew had he been alive that the sheer fear and respect he commanded would, as was rightly so, have been afforded to her also. But ever since he had gone and gotten himself killed by a damn Iron Born pirate she had been left to watch as her position was gradually undermined. That most of that undermining came from her own family only making it that much harder to take.

The little bastard daring to speak such a way to a prince, her uncle calling them out publicly and shaming them so and her aunt daring to come to her rooms to threaten her. She was the queen of the seven kingdoms and yet she'd been powerless to do or say anything about it, she had needed to sit there and listen while a woman married to a damn Frey had looked and spoken down to her.

Well no more, as she dressed, as she readied herself to break her fast and hoped her husband to be too hungover to join her, she resolved to show them she was a lioness too, starting with her fat aunt. She finished her wine, looked at herself in the looking glass and smiled, younger and more beautiful, as if there could be such a thing she thought.

"Mother." she heard Myrcella say happily when she walked into the room, she smiled at her sweet girl and looked over to see her baby boy eating happily.

"Good morning Myrcella, Tommen, is your brother not joining us?" she said and didn't notice the small frown on her daughter's face.

"He's with father, they were shouting." Tommen said while Myrcella shook her head at him.

"Myrcella?" she asked worried about what her fat oaf of a husband may be doing or saying to her precious boy.

Her daughter though didn't get to answer as both Joffrey and Robert chose that moment to walk into the room. She could see her boy was furious and she swore she could see a red mark on his face but she shook her head, even the beast that she was married to would never dare strike her son. As they sat down she looked to Robert and to Joffrey, neither was speaking and her curiosity forced her to ask what had happened, however, it was to Myrcella that Robert spoke to before she could even open her mouth.

"I heard from Ser Richard that you spent some time with the white wolf?" Robert said smiling.

What? Her child had been near that beast, where were her Kingsguard? What was Horpe doing?.

"We did father, Ser Ghost is so fluffy, he's even softer than Ser Pounce." Tommen said and Joffrey snorted only for Robert to glare at him.

"Is that so, well at least one of my children knows how to behave around a wolf, what about you Myrcella did the wolf scare you or threaten you?" Robert said looking to Joffrey again.

"No father, Ghost was most fun he even licked our hands." Myrcella said giggling "And Lady Joy and Ser Jon were most friendly, they bought us peanuts."

"Pen nuts." Tommen said and Myrcella giggled again.

"Ser Jon?" Robert asked looking confused.

The Dragon Cub| Game Of Thrones Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora